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Please help a new Skyrim player with mods


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Hi. If I'm posting in the wrong forum I apologize in advance and if noob posts requesting help aren't allowed I apologize again and I understand if the thread needs to be closed or deleted.


I've tried to play the game since it first came out but I couldn't get myself to play the series because I absolutely hated the character designs. I felt like I was missing out on a great game so I decided to mod those ugly designs away and I added a few more mods in the process. I came across a guide by LargeStyle which helped a lot but I still have a few more questions.


1. I read the mod descriptions carefully and tried to create a list of compatible mods. If there's an incompatible mod please let me know.

2. Will these mods cause a big performance hit? I'm running the game on Ultra. My rig: CPU: Core i5 3570k, Graphics: Gigabyte Radeon 7950, RAM: GSkill 8GB 1600 Mhz

3. I have the High res DLC pack installed. I know it's compatible with the 2k HD mod but does it still add something the 2K HD mod doesn't or should I just uninstall it?

4. Will the sliders from Enhanced Character Edit cause incompatibilities with any other mods like Immersive Armor?

5. Any particular install order?


Any further advice or suggestions are welcome.




I'm getting BOSS, SKSE and ENB


These are the mods I'm interested in:


Diverse Guards Skyrim

RealVision ENB


Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM


Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Interesting NPCs


Dat Grass

Enhanced Blood Textures

Skyrim Flora Overhaul

Female Facial Animation

Pretty Motion Package


Climates Of Tamriel - Weather - Lighting - Audio

Immersive Weapons

Pure Waters

West Wind Combat Series - Assault Armor UNP UNPB BBP

Cloaks of Skyrim

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

Pretty Face

Temptress Race

XP32 New Animation Package - Nexus Exclusive

Brokefoots UNP Mashup Compilation

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures

Ruins Clutter Improved

Immersive Armors

UNP - Ultra Skimpy Armor by Nightasy

No Spinning Death Animation

Castanistic or Highelf style idle for females -replacer- (I have a feeling this one will cause conflict with something else)

XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement

DIMONIZED UNP female body

Better males - Beautiful nudes and faces - New hairstyles

Bowlegged jump animation Fix

RANs HeadMesh Variants

Realistic Smoke and Embers

Improved NPC Clothing - High Res

Better Beast Races v2

Girls of Skyrim - add 4 Companions

KURESE Gloria armor conversion for UNP

Enhanced Character Edit

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Edited by Phatsnake
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Don't be scared about adding mods to your game. Its a fun and rewarding process to build Skyrim to your tastes. It can get frustrating at times when you don't see why you're having issues/crashes, but thats why the people of Nexus are here!

1. No one can give a definitive answer, nor will have the time to. Mod compatibility is something you have to test out eventually and little by little, play with a few and then add more. If the game crashes for a bit, then start uninstalling the most recent until the game is stable again


2. Having an overload of HD textures will hit the framerate regardless of how good your rig is. Just make sure you dont go too far and overload it (esp. using automatic variants)

Using ENB will hit your framerate too, but there's a few out there that are economical and pretty at the same time.


4. From my experience of playing with both, none so far.


5. Load order is important when multiple mods change the same assets, most modmakers will alert you to what changes are made by the mod in their description.

Using BOSS will help.

you will need SKSE and Scriptdragon at somepoint, if you mod your game heavily.

according to memory Climates of Tamriel has overhauls water, so you might not need pure waters. (this is from my vague memory, so dont quote me from it)
I'd also recommend Frostfall. Its my one 'cannot play without' mod.

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@Noobo Thank you for all the advice I will def try Frostfall it adds an interesting survival aspect to the game. I'll also look for another enb that won't give me a big performance hit.

@thenobody0 thank you I'll delete pretty face from the list.

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