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Bannered Mare in Whiterun crash the game...


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I am not an expert but maybe its crashing because you saved your game which expected there to be objects in Bannered Mare which are no longer present.


My first guess is that you added a lot of stuff in there and it crashed because:


1. There was conflicts. Like some mod asked a character to look one way and another mod said something different.


2. The amount of new high res textures combined with the memory the HD fire and smoke takes causes the place to generate so much memory usage that it crashed. (This happened to me. I have seen 2.9 GB of memory used in BM and skyrim cant handle more than 3GB).


And then it crashed:


Because you removed stuff that is supposed to be there, which are no longer there. So when you try to enter the game doenst understand what the heck is going on and collapses.


I suggest you revert to a save game BEFORE you added the followers to Bannered Mare. Always make a new save game before you add stuff like that to the game. Put down the console and type (save name in brackets to allow space between words"; Save "Save Game Before I add millions of followers 1" or something.

Edited by Tesshin20
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