firemanaf Posted July 20, 2013 Share Posted July 20, 2013 Ok, as most of you hear from many others, I am new to the mod scene as well. But I am having some issues. First computer specs: Alienware X51 with GeForce GFX660 (properties say Total Available Graphics Memory is 4096mb with dedicated memory 1536mb and shared 2560mb) its has an I5-3330 3.0Ghz with 8gb RAM. My mods in this load order: SkyrimUpdateClimates of Tameriel:aterns of Skyrim- All in one- MainHigh Res Texture 1High Res Texture 2High Res Texture 3Unofficial Skyrim patchUnoffical High Res PatchBetter Dynamic SnowStatic Mesh Improvement Latern of Skyrim All in One defaultLush treesSkyUILush grass and treesSkyrim bigger treesEnhanced Lights and FXELFX- ExteriorsClimates of Tamerial-Nights Lvl 2ELFXEnhancerbetter torchesWaterWater Plants Also have but dont show in plugin list Skyrim HD 2K-liteRealistic smoke and embersAOR HD trees LODsBigger and BoulderEnhanced night color galaxyEnhanced night High starsHD Plants and RetextureUltimate Fire effects Now what it is happen I start off outside FPS anywhere from 30-60 more steadily around 40-45 not staying in the 30s to long, inside I get solid 60fps. But after a while my sound will stutter and FPS will drop down to 15-25 when outside. After a sec or 2 it will go back to normal and then start it again at times. Is this a issue with loading textures? For example it does it when it has to process textures to load and once loaded sound and FPS increase. This morning I uninstalled skyrim and deleted all my nexus mods and started from scratch. This is because I thought it was caused by trying Project ENB realistic yesterday. My FPS were any where from 20 to 30 with that and running RLO and Enhanced FX and it kept g the sound issue a lot and quick drops in FPS. I then disabled Enhanced fx and jumped to 30-45FPS while using RLO and ENB but still would have sound issues at moments. Also I was using realistic performance mode in the ENB FYI. So I figured ENB no good for my computer. So I unistalled ENB and kept RLO. Played for 1.5hrs no problem but I was in an interior dungeon. Soon as I went outside I had the sound issues and drop in FPS. I was also using Skyrim HD 2K Full as well So today figured start from scratch So now I downgraded to Skyrim HD2K lite and now my game is have good FPS with just Enhanced FX, no RLO and no ENB. Do I need to disable Skyrim HD cause I do like that mod? Should I go back to RLO and not use Enhanced FX? Or is it all the other mods like static mesh or other graphical enhances? Any help would help out alot. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
utalk234 Posted July 20, 2013 Share Posted July 20, 2013 If I'm correct this has to do with cnflicting mods and mod load order. I suggest BOSS and a careful revision of what mods you might be using that may conflict or try to edit the same files. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firemanaf Posted July 20, 2013 Author Share Posted July 20, 2013 Cool thanks. I have watched some videos on mod order. But I am not sure in my order what I could rearrange. Now, I just did download and use skyrim performance monitor. I just played for about 5 minutes no issues to try it out but my average FPS was 54 and mt average VRAM usage was 1306 my a vram is only 1.5gb so I am going to keep playing and see what my VRAM usage goes to when the sound skips. I am guess it will be caused by a surge in VRAM needed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firemanaf Posted July 20, 2013 Author Share Posted July 20, 2013 Ok so what I did so far was download Skyrim Optimization project mod and Optimizer Textures. I removed Bigger and Boulder Mod (wasn't sure I like the huge mountains anyways). I actually added Realistic Lighting Overhaul and Climates of Tamriel-Sounds. Than did TES5edit. Through Skyrim Performance Monitor I am regularly sitting at about 57FPS outside. Average VRAM now at 1300mb and GPU usage at 60% avg. Although I do see GPU jump up to 90-95% quite a bit. I have not had anymore problems yet, but If I do I may have to get rid of the Skyrim HD 2K texture pack, dont want to though. I am already using the lite version. Any other takes on this? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
utalk234 Posted July 21, 2013 Share Posted July 21, 2013 From what I can see is you have about 4 different HD mods for the textures, that may be an issue though I havent known a texture mod to increase lag, you're saying you're able to play for a while before it starts going broke on you, that seems like it might be a specific mod. Is there a certain place you get issues? WhiteRun or Riverwood? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firemanaf Posted July 21, 2013 Author Share Posted July 21, 2013 Looking at it through Skyrim Performance Monitor looks like it might be when the GPU usage jumps to 99%. Still messing with it to try and figure it out. I tried to install Realvision enb last night and see if I could get away with using and enb that was supposed to be good performance still. Yeah had issues right away. I uninstalled it. Before the enb I thought maybe I had the issue resolved was not having any issues, but after taking the ERB off I had issues right away. GPU 99% and VRAM at 1500mb.( Started with a new game/save each time).So I decided to disabled Bigger Trees mod. Just brought my VRAM to sit steadily around 1300mb but my GPU will sit in the 90s% most of the time. Although now that I think about it, I am working on a new game so its when the game starts I will see an issue. Then when you go into the dungeons and cave to escape the dragon I sit solid 60FPS and no issues. Then I get into the woods to go to Riverwood and sometimes have issues. Than once I get to Whiterun it seems to get better even after stepping out of whiterun. VRAM will drop to around 1200-1300mb and GPU will be in the 80s%. Now I haven't got to Bleak Falls yet so I will have to see if issues pop back up when going into the woods working my way to riverwood. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firemanaf Posted July 21, 2013 Author Share Posted July 21, 2013 Also let put this out there. When I installed the Realvision ENB I disabled Enhanced Light and FX. Once I had problems right away I unistalled the ENB. Re-installed the Enhanced Lights and FX. Had issues still. So thats when I disabled Bigger trees. Like I said above VRAM dropped then. Then I got to whiterun and realized I only enabled Enhanced Light and FX. I then enabled the ELFX enhancer and ELFX exteriors. Thats when my VRAM stayed around 1300 and GPU dropped. Weird right? Could it be using Enhanced Light and FX and Real Lighting Overhaul? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firemanaf Posted July 21, 2013 Author Share Posted July 21, 2013 Update from playing this morning: I installed FXAA mod. Also reinstalled Bigger Trees, Smaller SBT though. The vanilla standard tree just seem to sparse after using bigger trees. So I played for about 1hr. Went from Whiterun, walked to Bleak Falls and then into the dungeons and got the claw and stone. Then walked to Riverwood. No major issues. VRAM around 1300MB and GPU avg was around 60%. I could not monitor during game with Skyrim Performance Monitor due to installing FXAA and something about have the d3dl file. But when game was over I just read the report. Now when walking towards Riverwood did stutter a bit, but the sound stayed normal. I then fast traveled to Whiterun. Worked for a bit but then the screen minimized to desktop. I tried to maximize but I think I hit Alt+Tab to bring up what's running to quickly and the game shutdown. Once I re-opened no problems so far. Is the game minimizing considered a crash? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firemanaf Posted July 22, 2013 Author Share Posted July 22, 2013 Ok so after player today. I will occasionally get the sound skipping FPS jumping around issue. But if I just hit ESC and stay in the menu for about 5 seconds the problem usually stopped. Weird. My stats while playing shown by Skyrim Performance monitor was 59FPS avg, 69%GPU usage and 1252MB VRAM Usage and 1516MB RAM Usage. Anyone have any idea what's going on? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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