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Armor Mods are not working anymore


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I am really exhausted because of trying to fix my problem till the morning...


I was using Acdale EyeCandy Body ADEC and ADEC Tera Armor Collection mods from months till this morning. Most females look so sexy with those new armors if you ever tried, especially warrior women. :biggrin: Today i decided to update them to new ones including Dawnguard and Dragornborn armors. So i checked the site and downloaded some mods but they didn't work. Anyway i decided to change the main mod from ADEC to UNP. Then i got started the pain. When i changed to UNP mode, it worked perfect at nude female bodies. But none of those armor modes of UNP (and later CBBE, ADEC again) did work. At all i've tried mods women have default armors and clothes. Then i gave up and wanted to go back the old, but i couldnt. So i can't change default armors.


I've tried many of explained in here or other sites but didn't help any of them:


-My 'Data Files' is not grey, i can select or unselect any esp file in there, so there isn't problem.

-Of course i activate mods at NMM after i installed. And i care to activate at right order (main mod first then the sub -armor- mod). NMM activates mods seems properly, it appears at 'Data Files' selected.

-There is no problem with "bEnableFileSelection=1" line at all .ini files.

-I also tried to install manually every mod.

-I tried to deactivate all of The High Resolution Textures packs and added lines to Skyrim.ini file as told in this page exactly.


So i failed every one of my these tries. All of the other mods are working properly, but armors aren't changing. Somehow all of modes i installed loaded properly, but something prevent the mods working. And i can't find what it is...


Could anyone help me please?


Edit: I am using Steam version with all DLC's. So Skyrim is up to date (1.932). Nexus Mod Manager updated to last version when i started it in the morning to version 0.45.4.

Edited by Muthapas
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Ok. I fixed by reinstalling both Skyrim and NMM. And i am now suspicious about i was doing something wrong about the mod i've chosen. I am not sure now but it is about the new armors and the modded vanilla armors... I was trying to change all npc females default armors to the modded ones, not to re-made armors at the blacksmith. So i guess i confused with this... I was installing the wrong mod instead of the vanilla.


Now with the ADEC Armor n Clothing Compilation - ADEC Vanilla Collection mod, my problems have gone.

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