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Animal Driven Charoit/wagon?


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So in Fo1 & Fo2 they had Brahmin pulled caravan wagons made from the rear end of a truck, the cargo box. How hard would it be to make a animal driven version for FoNV or Fo3? I mean don't get me wrong I looooove running all over the place on foot, just thankful the game isn't more realistic and get blisters followed by infection then amputation.


Brahmin, Gecko, Molerat, Dog and heck maybe even a Deathclaw driven Chariot/wagon. The wagon could be closed off and look like a nomad/gypsy wagon.

Edited by Morgwynn
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I ported over the rideable creatures to NV, and I had in mind a cart, using a similar method.


I'm also toying with the idea (a second, preferable method) of having it rigged to one of the spine bones on a critter, but I doubt I'll be able to get blender to export it into a usable nif. If it did work though, it would be a much better solution than the first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was thinking something along the lines of this photo but only pulled by a Big Horner. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1399017033655028&l=d9b86b2696 or maybe something like this minus the front part http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110326222919/fallout/images/f/f0/Golf_cart.png

Edited by Morgwynn
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Getting this to work doesn't sound all that difficult given the fact that apparently there is already ridable animal mods, the problem i see would be getting the chariots to run smoothly. The mojave is a pretty bumpy place and the Engine isn't exactly something i would call smooth.

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To bad a person couldn't use a Mesmetron on some raider/fiends and hook them upto this http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/coward_lion/coward_lion1206/coward_lion120600102/13998493-japanese-rickshaw-in-the-old-town-of-hida-takayama-japan.jpg and slap a bomb collar on them and give them some buffout and turbo to make them run faster/longer until they expire. I suppose evil players might use that as a means of transportation. Someone would need to figure out a hit point to mile formula to determine how far a raider/fiend could run before expiring since they would be losing health as they are pulling the rickshaw under the Mojave heat.

Edited by Morgwynn
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Getting this to work doesn't sound all that difficult

I'm guessing you havn't looked at the script. Your more than welcome to try. I ported it, modified it to produce an alternate ver of an animated squawky the crow (media);






and I can't as of yet get it to work with a non actor object. You have my full permission to take a crack at it, illyism's script/my mod is right here.

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