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Stardew Valley

I think Penny murdered Abigail in my game.


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I have SVE with grandpa's farm, npc map locations, multiple spouses mods installed, along with others.


The entire "marriage in 3 days" thing seems kinda rushed to me, so I tweaked the files for that to make the wedding happen 28 days after giving the seashell pendent.


I gave the seashell to Penny, and everything seemed to go smooth. 28 days later, we had our wedding and she moved onto my farm. Later that day, I went into town and gave a seashell pendent to Abigail. I think Penny got jealous and killed her, because my game has suddenly got spooky weird on me, halfway through the 28 days before my wedding to Abigail.


1. Abigail has completely disappeared from the map. I keep opening the map every 20 minutes throughout the game day and looking everywhere, but she can't be found.


2. I spent an entire day riding my horse around the map, looking constantly on the map, but could never locate Abigail. I got home at 11:00 at night and went to bed, where I found Abigail was sleeping next to Penny. I think it was Abigail's ghost that I saw.


3. The next morning, Penny and Abigail were gone. Neither one was anywhere on the farm and neither showed up on the map anywhere. About noon, Penny showed up on the map, in the community garden immediately south of the library. I've never seen her in this community garden until this moment. I think she buried Abigail's body in the garden.


4. I stayed in my farmhouse all afternoon and evening, right by the front door in case Abigail or Penny came home. I kept checking the map, no sign of Abigail and Penny was still in the community garden by the library. She didn't come home. I finally went to bed at 1:30 in the morning, Penny was still in the community garden on the map, and no sign of Abigail.


5. When I got up the next morning, Penny was still in bed sleeping, something that I've never seen happen before. This is my 4th game being married to Penny, and she's always up when I get up in the morning, until the night after Abigail disappeared.


I have 13 more days to go until I'm supposed to be married to Abigail. I don't know if I should reset the clock in the mod or leave it where I have it at 28 days. I'm kinda thinking I should rush through my days now, trying to get through them fast so I can see if Abigail shows up for the wedding. I may need to go dig in the community garden to see if I can find where Penny buried the body.

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