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Cannot Edit My Scripts!


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Opened up my house mod to finish up the displays. Tried to open up my scripts to edit them and found that I couldn't, which is odd since I am the one who wrote them in.


Can edit other scripts just fine just not my own. The PEX file is in the right place but I don't seem to have the PSE file for some odd reason. Works fine in game, it just won't let me edit it. Does anyone know whats going on and how to fix this?

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hmm that's interesting, have you tried extracting the PSE files and putting them back in the scripts folder?


I've noticed lately skyrim is acting wonky myself, 3 of my custom arrows aren't working but the poisons using the same effects work great still.

Oh thank goodness I am good about making my backups!


Apparently you need the PSE files in the correct folder to be able to edit them, which for some odd reason I didn't have at all. It will run fine with just the PEX files apparently but won't actually allow you to edit otherwise. Putting the backup files in the correct folder fixed the issue.


The PEX files (apparently and if someone more knowledgable needs to correct and edumacate me please do but this is what the game runs?) if curious are located in Data=>Scripts while the PSE files are in Data=>Scripts=>Source. Was wondering what those were for before and now I know. (And apparently this is what skyrim uses to edit and change a script before compiling it?)


Always make a backup of your mod and all related files I guess is the lesson here. Saved me a ton of work.

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