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Glowing Eye Bug unkillable via console.


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Sorry to bother but this is driving me up the walls. I have the Draugr eye bug (yet again, grrr) but with this being my first game of Steam's Legendary Edition instead of my old Steam Skyrim copies I simply cannot seem to remove it from my character forever. Addspell/Removespell f71d1 does nothing, sexchange x2 gets rid of the eye hue for about fifteen seconds then it returns, removing mods and then trying to remove the bug is bringing no joy. I've searched for an hour or two and simply cannot find anything on how to fix this past the ways I've already tried, so I'm asking you guys and gals for help.

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I've got the same problem, just installed Dragonborn, but I believe that bug were the reason for me stop playing last time, as it seems like my character recently(in his time) got it, I don't remember though. It's reasonable to believe he got it after some contact in one way or another with undead, as I've just finished the first Wolf Queen quest.

I've tried all the different skeleton and draugr abilities I could find in console: help abilities -> pgup/dn to scroll, but those didn't help, maybe you could check that out too though?

I also wonder, what kind of glow do you have? I do not have the glow you see on many videos or pictures of two big white balls, but rather a somewhat dim light with a high alpha shader, more often than not just over one eye. Do you know if it is other creatures with glowing white eyes than draugr and skeletons?

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I'm almost positive the bug comes from the Draugr Deathlord's shout, and oddly enough I think it was Wolf Skull Cave where I got it as well. That small bridge area underneath the summoners where you have the DL, Mage, and a random Draugr or two. For the life of me I cannot think of how to remove this effect from my character after the old reliable methods have failed me :/


Image of the bug here:





Looks like the routine Draugr eye bug :/

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