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[Scripting Problems] Retrieving items


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I have two probles when it comes to scripting my quest:


1st The NPC asks you to retireve 20 void salts. There are simmilar quests like this and in those quests you can see a counter that indicated how many items have you retrieved so far. The conter is not necessary for the quest to be playable, I know, but its fancy and practical!


2nd The NPC asks you to retrieve two family heirlooms from different parts of Skyrim, he tells you the location of both so you don't have to take one, travell the way back, and then take the other and return yet again... How can I do this so if you have both of them in your inventory a stage is set telling you to return to the questgiver?


Please, I've been trying to figure them aout and I'm stuck, badly!

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