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anyone understand this? not sure why mods couldn't load


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Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC1C4B1040.dll

Initialize engine version: 2019.2.17f1 (441)

[XR] Discovering subsystems at path D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/UnitySubsystems

GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1


Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]

Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (ID=0x2191)


VRAM: 5991 MB


Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly

- Completed reload, in 0.555 seconds

OnLevelWasLoaded was found on OVRScreenFade

This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.

Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed

(Filename: C:\plastic_workspace_unity\Runtime/Mono/MonoScriptCache.cpp Line: 355)

<RI> Initializing input.

<RI> Input initialized.

<RI> Initialized touch support.

UnloadTime: 450.142100 ms

[Message: BepInEx] BepInEx - Subnautica

[info : BepInEx] Running under Unity v2019.2.17.441

[info : BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000

[info : BepInEx] Supports SRE: True

[info : BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Windows

[Message: BepInEx] Preloader started

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\BepInEx\patchers\BepInEx.MultiFolderLoader.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony20). Please update the plugin if possible.

[info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [bepInEx.MultiFolderLoader]

[info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [MirrorInternalLogs]

[info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.QModPluginGenerator]

[info : BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [QModManager.UnityAudioFixer]

[info : BepInEx] 5 patcher plugins loaded

[info :MultiFolderLoader] Loading preloader patchers from mod

[info :MultiFolderLoader] Loading 0 preloader patchers from mods...

[info :UnityAudioFixer] Attempting to enable Unity audio...

[info :UnityAudioFixer] Unity audio enabled.

[info : BepInEx] Patching [Assembly-CSharp] with [bepInEx.Chainloader]

[info :QModPluginGenerator] Loading QMMAssemblyCache...

[info :QModPluginGenerator] Could not find QMMAssemblyCache, skipping load.

[info :QModPluginGenerator] Clearing BepInEx cache...

[info :QModPluginGenerator] Cleared BepInEx cache in 2 ms.

[info :QModPluginGenerator] Saving QMMAssemblyCache...

[info :QModPluginGenerator] QMMAssemblyCache saved in 572 ms.

[Message: BepInEx] Preloader finished

[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader ready

[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader started

[info :MultiFolderLoader] Finding plugins from mods...

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\EasyCraft\EasyCraft.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony20). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B2AF020.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\LaserCannon\LaserCannon.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony20). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B370010.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\OPBlade\LukeVo.Subnautica.BetterBlade.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony109). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC130B28C0.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\PrawnSuitJetUpgrade\PrawnSuitJetUpgrade.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony12). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B382A20.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\SeamothArms\SeamothArms.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony20). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B39FE30.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\SlotExtender\SlotExtender.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony20). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B3B8C40.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\ShipMod\ShipMod.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony20). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B3CEC50.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\ResourceMonitor\ResourceMonitor.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony12). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B3FDEB0.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\PrawnSuitGrapplingArmUpgrade\PrawnSuitGrapplingArmUpgrade.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony12). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B441A50.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\MoreQuickSlots\MoreQuickSlots.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony12). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B470680.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\HabitatPlatform\HabitatPlatform.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony12). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B48DEA0.dll

[Warning: BepInEx] Shimming D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Subnautica\QMods\AutosortLockersSML\AutosortLockersSML.dll to use older version of Harmony (0Harmony12). Please update the plugin if possible.

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3B4B0CB0.dll

[QModManager:ERROR] DeExtinction cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] LaserCannon cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] PrawnSuitJetUpgrade cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] SeamothArms cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] SlotExtender cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] VersionChecker cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] SnapBuilder cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] ResourceMonitor cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] PrawnSuitGrapplingArmUpgrade cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] HabitatPlatform cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[QModManager:ERROR] ECCLibrary cannot be loaded because it is missing a dependency. Missing mod: 'SMLHelper'

[info : BepInEx] 6 plugins to load

[info : BepInEx] Loading [QMMLoader]

[QModManager:INFO] Detected game: Subnautica

[QModManager:INFO] Game Version: 67816 Build Date: 27-April-2021

[QModManager:INFO] Loading QModManager v4.2.1 built for Subnautica v65786...

[QModManager:INFO] Today is 23-August-2021_21:01:43

[QModManager:INFO] Folder structure:

+ Subnautica

|---+ BepInEx

| |---+ cache

| | |---- chainloader_typeloader.dat (372.00B)

| | |---- harmony_interop_cache.dat (2.89KB)

| | |---- qmodmanager.dat (0.00B)

| | `---- qmodmanager_plugingenerator_typeloader.dat (865.00B)

| |---+ config

| | |---- BepInEx.cfg (5.43KB)

| | `---- MirrorInternalLogs.cfg (785.00B)

| |---+ core

| | |---- 0Harmony.dll (182.50KB)

| | |---- 0Harmony.xml (247.91KB)

| | |---- 0Harmony109.dll (42.00KB)

| | |---- 0Harmony12.dll (66.00KB)

| | |---- 0Harmony20.dll (109.00KB)

| | |---- BepInEx.dll (112.00KB)

| | |---- BepInEx.Harmony.dll (5.50KB)

| | |---- BepInEx.Harmony.xml (3.96KB)

| | |---- BepInEx.Preloader.dll (41.00KB)

| | |---- BepInEx.Preloader.xml (7.79KB)

| | |---- BepInEx.xml (83.72KB)

| | |---- HarmonyXInterop.dll (23.00KB)

| | |---- Mono.Cecil.dll (331.50KB)

| | |---- Mono.Cecil.Mdb.dll (42.00KB)

| | |---- Mono.Cecil.Pdb.dll (84.50KB)

| | |---- Mono.Cecil.Rocks.dll (27.00KB)

| | |---- MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.dll (100.00KB)

| | |---- MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.xml (9.19KB)

| | |---- MonoMod.Utils.dll (178.50KB)

| | `---- MonoMod.Utils.xml (76.95KB)

| |---+ patchers

| | |---+ QModManager

| | | |---- AssetsTools.NET.dll (170.50KB)

| | | |---- cldb.dat (325.90KB)

| | | |---- QModManager.exe (119.50KB)

| | | |---- QModManager.QModPluginGenerator.dll (18.50KB)

| | | |---- QModManager.UnityAudioFixer.dll (8.50KB)

| | | `---- QModManager.UnityAudioFixer.xml (2.41KB)

| | |---- BepInEx.MultiFolderLoader.dll (14.50KB)

| | `---- MirrorInternalLogs.dll (19.50KB)

| |---+ plugins

| | |---+ QModManager

| | | |---- QModInstaller.dll (85.00KB)

| | | `---- QModInstaller.xml (28.14KB)

| `---- LogOutput.log (7.28KB)

|---+ BepInEx_Shim_Backup

| |---+ BepInEx

| | |---+ patchers

| | | `---- BepInEx.MultiFolderLoader.dll (14.50KB)

| |---+ QMods

| | |---+ AutosortLockersSML

| | | `---- AutosortLockersSML.dll (70.50KB)

| | |---+ EasyCraft

| | | `---- EasyCraft.dll (26.50KB)

| | |---+ HabitatPlatform

| | | `---- HabitatPlatform.dll (141.00KB)

| | |---+ LaserCannon

| | | `---- LaserCannon.dll (74.50KB)

| | |---+ MoreQuickSlots

| | | `---- MoreQuickSlots.dll (54.00KB)

| | |---+ OPBlade

| | | `---- LukeVo.Subnautica.BetterBlade.dll (5.50KB)

| | |---+ PrawnSuitGrapplingArmUpgrade

| | | `---- PrawnSuitGrapplingArmUpgrade.dll (120.00KB)

| | |---+ PrawnSuitJetUpgrade

| | | `---- PrawnSuitJetUpgrade.dll (118.00KB)

| | |---+ ResourceMonitor

| | | `---- ResourceMonitor.dll (33.00KB)

| | |---+ SeamothArms

| | | `---- SeamothArms.dll (100.50KB)

| | |---+ ShipMod

| | | `---- ShipMod.dll (40.50KB)

| | |---+ SlotExtender

| | | `---- SlotExtender.dll (88.50KB)

|---+ MonoBleedingEdge

| `---- (Folder content not shown)

|---+ QMods

| |---+ AutosortLockersSML

| | |---+ Assets

| | | |---- ArrowLeft.png (55.15KB)

| | | |---- ArrowRight.png (3.39KB)

| | | |---- AutosortLocker.png (107.41KB)

| | | |---- AutosortTarget.png (107.91KB)

| | | |---- AutosortTargetStanding.png (77.93KB)

| | | |---- Background.png (255.90KB)

| | | |---- Circle.png (48.96KB)

| | | |---- Close.png (52.94KB)

| | | |---- colors.json (11.10KB)

| | | |---- Configure.png (62.84KB)

| | | |---- CustomizeScreen.png (237.92KB)

| | | |---- Edit.png (51.62KB)

| | | |---- filters.json (8.37KB)

| | | |---- Left.png (53.19KB)

| | | |---- LockerScreen.png (75.55KB)

| | | |---- MainMenuPressedSprite.png (39.94KB)

| | | |---- MainMenuStandardSprite.png (46.54KB)

| | | |---- PickerBackground.png (52.37KB)

| | | |---- Receptacle.png (60.04KB)

| | | |---- Right.png (53.67KB)

| | | |---- SelectorHover.png (53.29KB)

| | | |---- SelectorSelected.png (53.91KB)

| | | |---- Sorter.png (82.27KB)

| | | |---- TitleUnderline.png (9.79KB)

| | | `---- type_reference.json (17.53KB)

| | |---- AutosortLockersSML.dll (70.50KB)

| | |---- config.json (263.00B)

| | `---- mod.json (235.00B)

| |---+ CustomBatteries

| | |---+ Packs

| | | |---+ TritiumBatteries

| | | | |---- CustomBatteriesPlugin.txt (715.00B)

| | | | |---- TritiumBattery.png (152.20KB)

| | | | `---- TritiumPowerCell.png (164.21KB)

| |---+ DeExtinction

| | |---+ Assets

| | | `---- deextinctionassets (29.08MB)

| | |---- creaturespawnsreference.txt (27.28KB)

| | |---- DeExtinctionMod.dll (80.50KB)

| | |---- mod.json (295.00B)

| | `---- techtypes.txt (743.00B)

| |---+ EasyCraft

| | |---- EasyCraft.dll (26.50KB)

| | `---- mod.json (254.00B)

| |---+ ECCLibrary

| | |---- ECCLibrary.dll (52.50KB)

| | |---- ECCLibrary.xml (42.14KB)

| | `---- mod.json (272.00B)

| |---+ HabitatPlatform

| | |---+ assets

| | | |---- habitatplatform.assets (756.01KB)

| | | `---- habitatplatform.png (14.17KB)

| | |---- HabitatPlatform.dll (139.50KB)

| | |---- mod.json (476.00B)

| | `---- run the game to generate configs (0.00B)

| |---+ LaserCannon

| | |---+ Assets

| | | `---- LaserCannon.png (9.62KB)

| | |---- LaserCannon.dll (74.50KB)

| | `---- mod.json (227.00B)

| |---+ MoreQuickSlots

| | |---- mod.json (497.00B)

| | `---- MoreQuickSlots.dll (54.00KB)

| |---+ OPBlade

| | |---- LukeVo.Subnautica.BetterBlade.dll (5.00KB)

| | `---- mod.json (277.00B)

| |---+ PrawnSuitGrapplingArmUpgrade

| | |---- mod.json (544.00B)

| | |---- PrawnSuitGrapplingArmUpgrade.dll (119.00KB)

| | `---- run the game to generate configs (0.00B)

| |---+ PrawnSuitJetUpgrade

| | |---+ assets

| | | `---- prawnthrustersoptimizer.png (10.52KB)

| | |---- mod.json (498.00B)

| | |---- PrawnSuitJetUpgrade.dll (117.00KB)

| | `---- run the game to generate configs (0.00B)

| |---+ ResourceMonitor

| | |---+ Assets

| | | |---- ResourceMonitorLarge.png (26.18KB)

| | | |---- ResourceMonitorSmall.png (25.55KB)

| | | `---- resources (125.61KB)

| | |---- DontTrackList.txt (50.00B)

| | |---- mod.json (245.00B)

| | |---- OdinSerializer.dll (314.50KB)

| | `---- ResourceMonitor.dll (32.50KB)

| |---+ SeamothArms

| | |---- mod.json (225.00B)

| | `---- SeamothArms.dll (99.50KB)

| |---+ ShipMod

| | |---+ Assets

| | | `---- shipassets (3.42MB)

| | |---- config.json (122.00B)

| | |---- credits.txt (141.00B)

| | |---- mod.json (267.00B)

| | `---- ShipMod.dll (40.50KB)

| |---+ SlotExtender

| | |---- mod.json (251.00B)

| | `---- SlotExtender.dll (88.00KB)

| |---+ SnapBuilder

| | |---- mod.json (548.00B)

| | `---- Straitjacket.Subnautica.Mods.SnapBuilder.dll (48.00KB)

| |---+ SubnauticaMap

| | |---+ maps

| | | |---+ example

| | | | |---- example.json (74.00B)

| | | | |---- example.png (245.52KB)

| | | | |---- example_overlay.json (77.00B)

| | | | |---- example_overlay.png (10.23KB)

| | | | |---- example_replace_map.json (170.00B)

| | | | `---- example_with_fog.json (85.00B)

| | | |---+ Newbiome

| | | | |---- biome.json (80.00B)

| | | | `---- biomes218.png (4.94MB)

| | |---- mod.json (264.00B)

| | |---- subnauticamap (5.76MB)

| | `---- SubnauticaMap.dll (72.00KB)

| |---+ VersionChecker

| | |---- mod.json (543.00B)

| | |---- Straitjacket.Subnautica.Mods.VersionChecker.dll (29.00KB)

| | `---- Straitjacket.Subnautica.Mods.VersionChecker.QMod.dll (29.50KB)

|---+ SNAppData

| `---- (Folder content not shown)

|---+ Subnautica_Data

| `---- (Folder content not shown)

|---- doorstop_config.ini (931.00B)

|---- qmodmanager-config.json (2.00B)

|---- qmodmanager_log-Subnautica.txt (16.17KB)

|---- steam_api64.dll (201.91KB)

|---- Subnautica.exe (636.50KB)

|---- Subnautica32.exe (68.50KB)

|---- SubnauticaMonitor.exe (8.00KB)

|---- unins000.dat (28.41KB)

|---- unins000.exe (3.00MB)

|---- UnityCrashHandler64.exe (1.56MB)

|---- UnityPlayer.dll (23.52MB)

|---- winhttp.dll (23.50KB)

[QModManager:INFO] Folder structure ended.

[QModManager:INFO] Started loading mods

Fallback handler could not load library D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Subnautica/Subnautica_Data/Mono/data-000001AC3C8234F0.dll

[EasyCraft] Patched

[subnauticaMap] Patched

[MoreQuickSlots] Patched

[QModManager:INFO] Finished loading QModManager. Loaded 4 mods.

[QModManager:ERROR] A total of 13 mods failed to load

[QModManager:WARN] Some mods are using an old version of harmony! This will NOT cause any problems, but it's not recommended:

- OP Blade (Luke_Mod_BetterBlade)

- More Quick Slots (MoreQuickSlots)

[QModManager:ERROR] The following mods had no patch methods to run:

- Alterra Sea Voyager Mod (SeaVoyager)

- Autosort Lockers SML (AutosortLockersSML)

[QModManager:ERROR] The following mods could not be loaded due to missing dependencies:

- De-Extinction Mod (DeExtinction) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper at version or newer

- Laser Cannon (LaserCannon) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper

- Prawn Suit Jet Upgrade (PrawnSuitJetUpgrade) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper at version or newer

- Seamoth Arms (SeamothArms) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper

- SlotExtender (SlotExtender) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper

- VersionChecker (VersionChecker) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper at version or newer

- SnapBuilder (SnapBuilder) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper at version or newer

- Resource Monitor (ResourceMonitor) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper

- Prawn Suit Grappling Arm Upgrade (PrawnSuitGrapplingArmUpgrade) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper at version or newer

- Habitat Platform (HabitatPlatform) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper at version or newer

- Eel's Creature Creator (ECCLibrary) is missing these dependencies:

- SMLHelper at version or newer

[info : BepInEx] Loading [EasyCraft]

[info : BepInEx] Loading [OP Blade]

[info : BepInEx] Loading [More Quick Slots]

[info : BepInEx] Loading [QModManager.LogFilter]

[info : BepInEx] Loading [subnauticaMap]

[Message: BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete

Initializing Steam services

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

[QModManager:INFO] Received latest version from GitHub. We are up to date!

Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'

Material doesn't have a texture property '_MainTex'

Loading game settings

Process name: Subnautica

changeset 67816, QualityLevel = 2

OK Running Win64

Application version: 67816


deviceModel = GL75 Leopard 10SDR (Micro-Star International Co., Ltd.)

deviceName = MSI

deviceType = Desktop

deviceUniqueIdentifier = e670cb18ad2214b83df27246c321e8924f9c05ad

graphicsDeviceID = 8593

graphicsDeviceName = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti

graphicsDeviceType = Direct3D11

graphicsDeviceVendor = NVIDIA

graphicsDeviceVendorID = 4318

graphicsDeviceVersion = Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]

graphicsMemorySize = 5991

graphicsShaderLevel = 50

npotSupport = Full

maxTextureSize = 16384

operatingSystem = Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit

processorCount = 12

processorFrequency = 2592

processorType = IntelĀ® Core i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz

supportedRenderTargetCount = 8

supports3DTextures = True

supportsAccelerometer = False

supportsComputeShaders = True

supportsGyroscope = False

supportsImageEffects = True

supportsInstancing = True

supportsLocationService = False

supportsRawShadowDepthSampling = True

supportsRenderTextures = True

supportsRenderToCubemap = True

supportsShadows = True

supportsSparseTextures = True

supportsStencil = 1

supportsVibration = False

systemMemorySize = 16205

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