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TF 2 Ambassador


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Hello. I would like to ask someone good at mod making to import Ambassador pistol from Team Fortress 2 (http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Ambassador) and replace That Gun (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/That_Gun) with it. But new weapon will be OK.

I don't really do many weapons, not my forte. But I figured I'd give this one a shot, since it's very unlikely someone is going to make a new model. Here is a pic;








It's slower so it can't pump out the same DPS as "that gun", but it's a very accurate weapon (same spread as lucky, 0), and I spent a lot of time working on the sights.

It didn't give any weapon specific statistics on your link about the Ambassador, so I kind of winged it. Made it a 44mag, but with a little extra kick (equal to the lonesome drifters 44mag, 42 dam). And it has the same 2.5 critical that "that gun" and Lucky have. So hopefully that will make up for the slower firing and reloading speed.


I found it a pretty effective weapon, especially with the cowboy perk.I was able to take out all of the fiends around the disassembled weapons crate with a single shot each (although the butcher was a sneak critical), and it was a good distance (from the electric tower).


All the animations are working, pretty well for a hack job. It's been added to teh required form lists (cowboy, professional, ranged weapons etc) via script, so it doesn't overwrite any other mods forms. As such I'd load it last, to make sure less well behaved mods don't overwrite it's forms lists.


The gun will automatically be added to your inventory along with some 44 ammo. Here is the download link, just unrar the two files into your data directory and select the ambassador.esp in your launcher of choice.


It's using default textures (although they match up pretty well) and is a mashup of the 357 & 45 auto (from honest hearts, so that dlc is required), along with "that gun" for the handle. With the right re-texture and a different handle it could look pretty damn close to the Ambassador.

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  • 2 months later...

If you just want a big, powerful revolver in general, you could try the Dan Wesson PPC mod (It keeps getting compared to the Ambassador D:) or the Rhino (<3). The latter is glitchy as all hell though....


DW-PPC http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/36814/?

Rhino (Incredibly glitchy, you'd have a better chance with an older version.) http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/35484/?

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