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Weak guards


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In the Neverwinter Nights module "A Dance with Rogues", I really liked how the city guards were vastly more powerful than you, and nigh impossible to fight because they'd kill you in one or two strikes. It was a nice change, because city guards in pretty much every other game are all so weak, I don't know how they get through guard recruit camp.


Having "Dawnguard" installed causes groups of hostile vampires to regularly spawn in cities at night, and it's hilarious watching the guards try to fight them, because at least two or three of them always get killed before they manage to take down all the vampires...


Poor guards. First they get arrows in their knees, now they get steamrolled by frenzied vamps.


Also, earlier I visited a place called "Cold Rock Pass". Inside, there was a Silver Hand Elite guy (he was an orc, by chance) who tried to take down the Frost Troll that lives there. Needless to say, he didn't last very long... at least his silver greatsword fetched a nice bit of gold.

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