firemanaf Posted July 21, 2013 Share Posted July 21, 2013 I am running multiple texture packs. Can I remove the DLC one? Since I hear the 2K version is better. Will it have a negative affect? Will I get better performance out my computer if I do? How will my current save be affected? ( I have found that if I remove a mod and load a save it comes up with a warning message). I am new to modding. Like only a few days in. This is what I am running now in this load order SkyrimUpdateClimates of Tameriel:aterns of Skyrim- All in one- MainHigh Res Texture 1High Res Texture 2High Res Texture 3Unofficial Skyrim patchUnoffical High Res PatchBetter Dynamic SnowClimates of Tamriel- Soundsbetter torchesStatic Mesh Improvement Latern of Skyrim All in One defaultLush treesSkyUIsbt Small 1 (Bigger Tree mod)sbt small 2sbt small 3Lush grass and treesEnhanced Lights and FXELFX- ExteriorsClimates of Tamriel-Night Lv2RLO-DungeonsRLO- Major City ExteriorsRLO- Major City InteriorsRLO-Minor City InteriorsRLO- Dungeon LightingELFXEnhancerWaterWater Plants Also have but dont show in plugin list Skyrim HD 2K-liteRealistic smoke and embersAOR HD trees LODsEnhanced night color galaxyEnhanced night High starsHD Plants and RetextureUltimate Fire effects Also I am using FXAA injector mod cause when I try to run any ENB I drop to about 20FPS even with performance options and GPU goes to upper 90% and VRAM sits at max of 1500mb. With above mods and FXAA I am sitting at 1300mb VRAM GPU usage 80% to 90% (avg though according to Skyrim performance monitor is 70%) steadily with spikes to 99% and sitting at around 60FPS (avg 57) outside and solid 60FPS inside. ( I did change pref for bshadowsongrass=0 this lowered my VRAM to stay close to that 1300mb with it set to 1 it sits in the 1400 to 1500mb) I am at times having issues with sound skipping and drops in FPS ( I posted that in the mod troubleshooting section), buts random. Would there really be no reason to unistall it? Just I feel I can't add any more mods without my VRAM jumping and GPU usage jumping up even more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firemanaf Posted July 21, 2013 Author Share Posted July 21, 2013 Here is some pics from today with above mods and FXAA. I like and happy with the way it is. Would like greener greens though. Not sure how to do that with FXAA. But don't want to uninstall the texture pack if I lose detail.[/url] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Oubliette Posted July 21, 2013 Share Posted July 21, 2013 I am running multiple texture packs. Can I remove the DLC one? Since I hear the 2K version is better. Will it have a negative affect? Will I get better performance out my computer if I do? How will my current save be affected? ( I have found that if I remove a mod and load a save it comes up with a warning message). I am new to modding. Like only a few days in. Short answer for a long question: no. You can not remove the DLC texture pack, because once installed steam will always reinstall it when you start from the steam launcher (which you'll have to do from time to time to update any steam subscriptions). Longer answer: There's no reason you can't overwrite the DLC texture pack with other textures, in fact it's highly encouraged since the DLC doesn't cover everything and some people don't like the overall look of some of the larger textures that it adds so they choose other texture packs to layer on top. Using multiple texture packs is fine, in the case of loose file textures - there can be only one, so if you add a texture pack after another texture pack and get the "there are some files with this name already in this location" message, the new files will overwrite the old ones and you'll see the new files in game (the old files will not be backed up though, so if you want them back you'll have to reinstall the original mod) that also means that the DLC won't reinstall those same files over again when you start from the steam launcher because the files will appear to still be there. If you remove a mod and load a previous save yes you will get an error message but in the case of textures - these can always be ignored. At worst case your game will go back to using default textures located in the BSA's instead so you shouldn't have any texture errors show up in game after removing a texture pack. For this reason texture mods are often considered very beginner friendly as you won't break your game while experimenting with them. When you get that message after removing mods that contain meshes, scripts or locational changes, they might cause game breaking problems if not removed correctly (most often it's recommended to not 'play' with your main game files, no hot swapping of mods during game play or you might end up losing your main character at a random high level). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firemanaf Posted July 21, 2013 Author Share Posted July 21, 2013 Ok thanks for the response. Just seems crazy with all the above mods my computer has reached its limits so it seems. Running an i5-3330 3.0Ghz with GeForce GFX 660 1.5 GB with 8GB RAM. Could I safely remove Lush Trees, Lush Grass and HD Plants and Herbs and swap out to Skyrim Flora mod? Well without affecting my current game? I am looking for more flora and greener. Although I don't want to push to much and cause my computer to crash. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
firemanaf Posted July 21, 2013 Author Share Posted July 21, 2013 Ok so I uninstalled Lush Grass, Lush Trees, Bigger Trees, Hybrid HD plants and herbs and AF LOD HD Trees and installed the Skyrim Flora Overhaul. Was worried about performance but GPU sat at about 70-75% with VRAM around 1400-1500. RAM usage increased though. So I uninstalled Enhanced Lights and FX. VRAM dropped down to about 1200mb with increases to around 1400mb. Now thats just around whiterun and riverwood. Think I am going to try this for a bit and see how I like it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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