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Blacksmiths potion, doesnt work ?


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I claimed a sword damage 15, and only have the steel smithing ability at present; This on the grind stone improves it to 16. But i do have a Blacksmiths potion which apparently improves smithing 20%, thus i would after taking the potion expect the sword damage to increase to 18-19, yet it still improves it to 16...?


What gives?

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if you are improving something and moving in integers of 1 then adding a potion that increases your smithing by 20% that means it moves 1.20, now either the game stores the remainder and waits til it gets full to add the bonus or simply rounds and with .5 usually being the "magic" rounding number its likely rounded down to 1 again resulting in an increase of 1.


perhaps the effect will be more pronounced if your smithing skill is higher? or perhaps you have mods installed affecting your smithing?

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