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Add repair hammer to KCAS skip intro mod


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I'm trying out Kobu's Character Advancement System. The optional skip intro mod equips you with several items, since you aren't able to get them in the dungeon, but fails to include an Armorer's Hammer.


In hopes of adding one myself, I opened \\Oblivion\Data\KCAS Optional Mods\Kobu's Skip Intro Mod.esp with Notepad and added


player.AddItem RepairHammer 1


after the following lines:

player.AddItem PotionRestoreHealthW 5

player.AddItem Lockpick 50

player.AddItem MortarPestle 1


That didn't work, so I tried a few other spellings (repairhammer, ArmorerHammer, ArmorersHammer), but they didn't work, either.


So either I've got the name wrong, or an item can't be added this way. Can anyone tell me how I can add an armorer's hammer?

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I don't think it's a very good idea to open and save a mod with Notepad, I'm not sure what can happen, instead, download the TES Construction Set.

Then you must find the script that gives the player those three items, and then write 'player.additem c 1' in that script, under those three lines.

Or, just open the console and write the same thing to get a repair hammer.

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Thanks, xxXEvandarXxx, for the quick reply. I hadn't installed the Construction Set yet because I was trying to avoid game spoilers. I've downloaded it now, though, and after a serious mishap (serious enough to require a reinstall of the game, ouch), I was able to successfully edit the script. All this for a little repair hammer! Well, it was a learning experience, anyway.


In case anyone else with no experience with the Construction Set would like to do the same thing (minus the mishap), here's how I did it:


- Open the Construction Set


- Click 'File' on the menu bar, then click 'Data...'

(This will pop up a 'Data' window.)


- Select 'Kobu's Skip Intro Mod' from the 'TES Files' list in the new window


- Click 'Set as Active File' then click 'OK'

(It will take a while for it to load at this point. I got a bunch of errors saying "Trying to access local variable __ in script 'TutorialScript' -- variable not found." I just ended up clicking 'Yes to All'.)

(This will bring you back to the main window.)


- Click on 'Gameplay' on the menu bar, then click 'Edit Scripts...'

(This will pop up a 'Script Edit' window.)


- Click on 'Script' on the menu bar of the new window, then click 'Open...'

(This will pop up a tall, narrow window with a list of files.)


- Double-click '1KobuSkipIntroSCRIPT' (the first one in the list)

(This will close the list pop-up and bring you back to the script window)


- Click inside the text window and scroll down to where the items are being added

(I chose the line directly following these three:

player.AddItem PotionRestoreHealthW 5

player.AddItem Lockpick 50

player.AddItem MortarPestle 1)


- Add the following line: player.AddItem RepairHammer 1


- Click 'Script' on the menu bar, then click 'Save'


- Close the 'Script Edit' window


- Click 'File' on the menu bar of the main window, then click 'Save'


- Close the Construction Set


- You're good to go!

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I don't think it's a very good idea to open and save a mod with Notepad, I'm not sure what can happen, instead, download the TES Construction Set.

Then you must find the script that gives the player those three items, and then write 'player.additem c 1' in that script, under those three lines.

Or, just open the console and write the same thing to get a repair hammer.

Yes... Generally, notepad is only a viable means of editing things which are not compiled or encoded... As 99% of games and game content has some encoding, trying to edit with notepad usually ends badly unless you know what you're doing, and know that what you're changing is not formatted in any specific way.


In the case of Oblivion, and fallout 3 (from what I understand) the scripts need to be compiled within the .esp for those scripts to register. This is done automatically within the CS when you save a script so people don't normally think about it, however if you try editing that script in something like TES4Edit, or TESSnip, or notepad, the resulting script will no longer be compiled, and the changes will not take effect.


Just to clarify.


As for the issue, repair hammers aren't too hard to find, and can usually be bought at any blacksmith. Since they tend to break frequently, adding 1 at the beginning probably won't be of much help.

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