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Must have mods, your top list please!


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So, I haven't played skyrim for ages, so forgot close to everything about mods and what to have what to avoid.


I wan't your top pick of mods that's a must to have.

Currently want texture and ui mods, and something that gives me an alternate start.

Perhaps something that makes the crafting system worth it's while.

As well as encouraging exploring and poking your nose where it doesn't belong.

(I don't mind if there us adult stuff in there as well. Should be fairly lore friendly thought)

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I am new to the mod scene. So not sure if you will agree with what I say...


So far


Skyrim HD 2K Full or lite

Climates of Tamriel


Realistic Lighting Overhaul and/or Enhanced Lighting and FX

Skyrim Floral Overhaul (just started this one about 30 mins ago and I like) I was using lush trees/lush grass/bigger trees mods

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Enhanced Nights

SkyUI (practically a must)

Lantern of Skyrim

Unofficial HD Skyrim patch

A quality world map with roads

Unofficial Skyrim patch



For performance


Optimizer Textures

Project Optimization



Just to name a few

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SkyUI - Nuff Said

SkyRe - A Must have makes gameplay more balanced and rewarding

Enhanced Enemy AI - Makes AI tougher

Locational Damage - Makes Battles more tactical

Deadly Dragons - Makes Dragons Deadly

Sounds of Skyrim - Much more immersive

Climates of Tamriel - Spectacular weather effects

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Here is a top ten of mine, though whether you can run them or not is another matter. I wouldn't use Open Cities with an increased ugrids setting though.


Climates of Tamriel - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17802//?

Pure Waters - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1111//?

Static Mesh Improvement Mod - SMIM - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8655/?

Footprints - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22745/?

Open Cities - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8058/?

Unique Uniques - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33292/?

Benjamins Realistic Rocks and Textures - somewhere

Dual Wield Parrying - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9247/?

Blood Witch Armour - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21572//?

Wearable Lanterns - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/17416/?


Honourable mentions Lost Longswords - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26261/?, Jaysus Swords - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1002//? and Weapons of the Third Era - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12892//?


5 I am thinking of getting one day [when they are finished for some] or soon


The Joy of Perspective - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/6002/?

Dual Sheath Redux - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34155/?

Enhanced Distant Terrain - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1598/?

Realistic Lighting Overhaul - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30450//?

Enhanced Enemy AI - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36478//?

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I usually base skyrim around these mods

SkyUI, iHUD - Changes the entire menu system and heads up display, making them more visually pleasing and easy to use. SkyUI also has the MCM menu, which lets you customize MANY mods very easily!

Skyrim Redone - Rebalances the entire game making it feel much more immersive and realistic. Makes ALL skills more worth it!

Frostfall - Makes the cold of skyrim an enemy in of itself. Use the 'survivalism' plug-in for SkyRe if using it with this for bonus coolness!

Realistic Needs and Diseases - Goes great with Frostfall for max realism.

Trade and Barter + Skyrim Economic - Goes great with SkyRe, making gold feel more valuable and rare.

Alternative Start - lets you pick how your character enters the world, with tons of options and even race specific starts!

RaceMenu - Lets you have WAY more control over character creation!

Better Vampires + Tales of Lycanthropy - Great werewolf and vampire overhauls, respectively. Adds a lot to the game if you are playing as one of them!

Midas Magic, Apocalypse Spells, Empowered Magic, Phenderix's Magic Transcended, Druid Essentials, Colettes Revenge, Wrath of Nature - Use one of them, some of them, or all of them. Magic overhauls that each add a lot to the game!

Nature of the Beast + Advanced Follower Tweaks - Makes followers much more useful and easy to use. Makes it so you can intelligently build and command an entire team! Also goes great with ToL and Better Vampies mentioned above!

ASIS - Make sure to disable the "perks" section if using with SkyRe. Use this with spell overhauls to see enemies using your new spells!

Immersive Creatures, Immersive armors, Immersive Weapons, interesting NPCs - adds a ton of immersion and variation to the game!

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1. Unofficial Skyrim Patch

2. Unique Dragon Priest masks

3. Falskaar

4. Realistic lighting overhaul

5. Dragon Priest Quest Markers

6. Follower Sovngarde Immortal version

7. Sounds of Skyrim- The Dungeons

8. Wearable Lanterns ( a must if you use realistic lighting mods)

9.Better Horses

10. Horse Armor

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Alternative Start - lets you pick how your character enters the world, with tons of options and even race specific starts!

RaceMenu - Lets you have WAY more control over character creation!


DO you have authors name or can you perhaps provide a link to where I can find them? :)

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gems helped a lot with picking out some of the really good ones or necessary mods. The unofficial patches are a great idea. The immersion and visual mods are a personal preference IMO. I try to keep my game lore friendly but adding content is cool.

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