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help creating book piles


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Hi there,


So I've been playing around a little with the idea to create a book-container made out of several book markers, which are stacked onto each other on the floor. From functionality's point of view this works fine - I can use it like any other book shelf. HOWEVER since the books have no shelf beneith them and are basically floatin in the air they all drop to the floor "into" each other when placed in the book stack.


So the question is: how can one make the books rest onto each other? I've already tried adding the "defaultDisableHavokOnLoad"-script to each marker (parameter "havokonHit" set to FALSE), but to no avail.


If anyone has any suggestions for how to solve this, that would be much appreciated.


Thanks in advance,


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Nevermind - the problem with what I'm trying to do here seems to be what I guess can be called a flaw in the design of the game's physics: no matter what you do, the book markers only define the _initial_ position of the books you put into the container. However, there doesn't seem to be any way of controlling the behavior of the books themselves once they are placed on the shelf. So you can't just make the books stay on top of each other like they'd do in a pile....so what I wanted to do, namely to create a sort of "dynamic" pile, doesn't seem to work.


Just in case anyone else is trying this or will be:

I sort of solved this issue by taking the "static" versions of the books and plaing them in the shape of a pile...which was pretty tedious since you cannot use the havok-sim on statics in order to get them to fall in a natural way, but oh well.

Then I just took the usual PlayerBookShelfTrigger and PlayerBookShelfClickTrigger (I think the former one can actually be omitted here), surrounded the book pile with them and referenced them with a PlayerBookShelfContainer (With the only difference that I created custom forms from each of them for the sake of using names like "Book Pile" etc.). This way it works just fine, with the only downside being that now the book pile will always look the same of course, no matter what books you put in there.

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