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Daleks in skyrim


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Hello Everyone,

I am FakeUser21345 from the Skyrim Nexus mods--most famously known for the Time Lords in Skyrim mod. I'm trying to add different parts to the mod besides the basic race; one of these includes Daleks. I have some triangulated models from Blend Swap and Benjee 10, but cannot advance from there. I lack both the computer power and mental knowledge to add it to skyrim. The models are not UV unwrapped, and I haven't the slightest idea how to make a texture map of that proportions. And the model is the least of my concerns. How will I add the attack animations (their extermination beam for ranged and the plunger for meelee) and the sounds of them? And then there's the issue of the voices. As I am using windows on a partition of a Mac Mini, which has no mincophone, I have no way of getting any "EXTERMINATE!" into skyrim. These are all questions I fear I will never have answers to. Any help with the Dalek's creation will be much appreciated, as well as their user names posted on the soon coming User Wall of Fame ( I will post your username and the reason you are on the wall, and it shall never be taken down) I will add a link to the Dalek file for you guys to use. (use blender to export it as an OBJ, and then import it to NifSkope) Once again, all credit goes to Bengee10 on Blend Swap. Thanks for helping a brother out. :)



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If another whovian does decide to help you out, I suggest asking them to export directly as nif rather .obj. The format does not suuport many of the features required by rigged models, most importantly vertex weight painting used by bones to influence the mesh. That and if you are using the latest version of NIfskope, .obj support is broken.


God luck in you endevours.

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I am making a mod for daleks in skyrim, and I have gotten most of what I need done: I created a "DALEK RACE" that has a spell--resembling lightning bolt--that kills everyone in a single hit, the npc is aggressive and nearly impossible to kill. The only thing that needs to be done is the model of the creature. I have a mesh that is technically in the game, but when I test it, I get an error rather than a Dalek. I believe this is because the game cannot figure out where everything is (the arms, legs, etcetera...), so if anyone has any ideas as to how this can be fixed, I would be immensely grateful.

Edited by TheDoctor4107
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