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Unique Player City, Landscape Inquiry


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I have been working for a week now on creating a mod in which a player buys a plot of land with nothing on it, and you develop the land into a village, and eventually it becomes a sprawling city. As it stands, you start off with the "land" being an exterior cell in the Tamriel worldspace. Eventually, you will build stone walls around the land plot, and the "city" will become its own worldspace with a load door from the Tamriel WS to the player city WS. Now, In the player city's worldspace, the terrain and landscape should be identical to the terrain and landscape of the Tamriel WS where the city is situated. I know adding Tamriel as a parent WS makes the entirety of the new WS import the terrain, but its LOD. and in the CK you don't see it as if it were importing the landscape, only the vanilla wilderness cells that are blank. Looking into the other city worldspaces, its easy to see that the city is built above the default wilderness cells that are made when you create a WS on a seperate land mass, floating above it. My question is, how do I make this city worldspaces terrain look exactly like the terrain you see from the Tamriel worldspace. I need the elevations and water etc. to be like it is in the Tamriel Worldspace.


Any help is appreciated on this matter.




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