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Some Weird Flying Glitch


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So I was riding my horse heading towards my first stop on a giant toe gathering trip and this happened.




Please forgive the background video playing, I forgot to pause it while recording out of fear I could not be able to reproduce the event.


So as you can see after I get to a certain point I get a " was equipped" message and gain a ice/frost effect on my character/horse and then get flung around the area. The area is always the same and if I go around to the other side of the camp and up the hill after a certain point going south I gain the effect. I tested on foot, that I gain the ice/frost effect and the message but don't get flung around. While testing on foot I noticed I have what looks like a ice waith head floating and following below my feet on ground level. Using the player.showinventory console command I noticed I gained an item with the ID 0005e99c. It does not have a name in game but after googling it I turned up it is the ID for "SkinlceWraithSmokeFins". However using the player.removeitem command does not effect anything other ran causing the item to not appear on the console when I do another player.showinventory. I use a large amount of mods so I'm assuming its a conflict of some kind. Running boss doesn't fix the issue and I cant seem to replicate it on another character.




According to the NMM all my mods are up to date. Here is a general rundown of the type of mods I have. I don't have time to write down all 92 mods I use until tomorrow evening when I get home from work.


Immersion mods like FrostFall, Wet and Cold, Realistic Needs & Diseases, Cloaks of Skyrim, Hunterborn, Character Creation Overhaul,

Several male and female body mods, armor, weapon mods and some animation mods

World Map mods

Then some other mods like Harvest - Auto Pickup, Sneak tools, Locational Damage and Heart Breaker.


It is a rather lengthy list which could be my problem. I just like them all. If a full mod list is required I will gladly post it but it will have to wait until tomorrow evening.


Thank you for your info, feedback and questions.

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