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Skyrim Charater


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btw can anyone give skyrim char :

-female is more prefer

-skill assasin

-already finish all skyrim quest (at last kill the dragon)


I'm too lazy if must starting form the beginning again


Edited by naoko2
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You realize your question is kinda dumb. Even if someone would be persuaded to give their savegame.

What mods do you want or are you using ? What can your system handle ? And there is no skill "assasin".


If you want something from people you need to ask more nicely and give better parameters of what you exactly want. Take this as advice and in the future maybe people will be more helpful.

Edited by Fewt
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sori, i mean the "skyrim the elder scrolls v (dragon born)" . I was finish play skyrim the elder scrolls v and already delete it (included the save file) . Then skyrim have release DLC ( Dawnguard and another one i was forget) . I wanna play it but too lazy if start from beginning again.

If i'm not wrong / forgot ,there is a skill name "assassin" (100 lv) - Snake

So can you give your save char to me? thx

Edited by naoko2
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