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Plugins.txt and loadorder.txt problems


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Idk if its just me or there was an error when I posted this but I dont see my post so ill post it again:


I installed STEP and a few GEMS mods. Im using Wrye Bash and BOSS. Now the first time I ran BOSS it properly set the load order in Wrye Bash. However now it doesnt do it. When I launch BOSS it shows no errors (looking closely at the BOSS log also shows me that the load order is completely correct) and everything comes up fine in Wrye Bash as well. I took a look at the loadorder.txt and plugins.txt in Local Appdata and noticed that both the loadorder.txt and plain.txt were completely out of order.


Does anyone have any idea as to what might be causing this?

Edited by MUSEiC
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Ok so I just tried out Wrye Bash again and messed with the order a bit and then launched BOSS to see if it would set things back to order. It does set the order how it should be again but I noticed that I can only see the changes after I close out and relaunch Wrye Bash. Is that how its supposed to be? I though it was supposed to refresh when changes are made.


Also I went and just copy and pasted the load order BOSS puts out into loadorder.txt and plugins.txt. So both plugins text and load order now have everything correctly. However I noticed that when I do that it unchecks everything in Wrye Bash and if I check all the items again in Wrye Bash it puts everything out of order in the plugins.txt. (loadorder.txt stays the same).



I would ask if I should leave the plugins.txt scrammbled since its Wrye Bash thats doing it but im sure the what the answer would and I cant leave like that anyways because it seems thats where the Dual Sheath Patcher and TES5EDIT pull the order from.


On a semi-related note what creates the loadorder.txt? Is it Wrye Bash, BOSS, or Skyrim? I ask because if I remove it and launch any of the 3 a new one isnt made.

Edited by MUSEiC
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Ive solved the issue...So let me point it out in case anyone else is experiencing this.

I liked launching my games through steam and it annoyed me that I couldnt do that anymore because of SKSE.

So I did the hex edit trick on SKSE to rename it TESV (like the actual .exe) so I could launch it through the Skyrim Launcher.



This is were the problem lied as I didnt realize Wrye Bash and im assuming BOSS as well use the TESV.exe for a reference or something (idk what they actually use it for).

However since the TESV.exe was actually SKSE thats what was causing the issues. After restoring the actual TESV and setting SKSE how it is supposed to be things are working properly again. So yeah there we go :)

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