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Mesh/Texture Request


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Can someone make an alternate imp mesh and texture? I'm making a fairy mod... I need it to be the imp mesh, though, so it will be compatible with the original imp animations and skeleton. Could you make it look somewhat like this? http://www.davidadamsonline.com/images/pg_tiger_lily_fairy_1.jpg (not nude, though, maybe flowers over her privates? also, maybe another one like this http://thumbs2.modthesims2.com/img/1/5/3/1/6/7/MTS2_sherahbim_633911_nymph_clothing.jpg
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Since you had 4 near identical posts, I let the moderators know so they could remove some of them :wacko:


In case you don't know there is an Edit button an the bottom of each post you make, you can use to modify the post you made. That way you can add additional information if you like. :)


Good luck on getting your mesh and happing gaming :D

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