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Wisp and Wispmothers are unable to turn


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It's the strangest thing.


I've managed to get a very stable playthrough of Skyrim all things considered, no crashes at all, but the only issue I seem to have now is that my wisps and wispmothers are for some reason unable to turn around. The wisp will fly around and attack but the effect won't change direction with it and the wispmother exhibits the same issue, despite being able to animate properly. I've checked in SSE Edit and I don't know what could possibly be causing this. It doesn't seem to be an issue with the race or the NPC records themselves.




I've figured out that a mod is definitely causing this issue, as the wisps turn just fine on my alternate Mod Organiser 2 profile. Still no idea on what it could be.

Edited by PastChristmas
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Whatever this issue is it seems laser focused on the wisp type creatures. Just discovered that the soul cairn wisps just float motionless. Were it a mesh issue it would explain everything, but I recently checked for new meshes through mod organiser and I found that the only relevant modification was a mesh that mods the particles surrounding the wispmother and that's it.


Thank you for your suggestions, I will look in to them further.


Edit -


After a bit of trial and error, I discovered it was 'Immersive Movement' that was causing the issue. Apparently, this is a documented issue with the mod as of this writing. I will notify the author that wisps and whispering spirits are affected as well.

Edited by PastChristmas
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