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Relative Pricing


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Hi there.


Is there any form of making specific items be more expensive/cheaper at some vendors than at others?


For example, one of the things my biggest mod does is making stronghold vendors sell lots of orcish equipment.I'd like to make these vendors also buy for orcish equipment for a lot cheaper in comparision to other vendors.A common vendor would buy it because he sees the oppotunity to profit or he fancies that kind of stuff, but an orc blacksmith that has a big stock of orcish equipment doesn't really have a good reason to buy one, so she'd buy cheaper.


In the other hand, the same orcs that buy orcish equipment for cheaper, will sell their own stuff for you for less gold, if you completed "Find the Formegaster's Fingers" quest.It'd look like this:


Orcish Cuirass selling value:

• Common vendor: 300 gold

• Stronghold Blacksmith: 50 gold


Hidden perks may be able to do this, I've tried adding to one of the vendors using the "Modify Buying Price" factor for the Entry Point with 1.5 multiplier, and added "Armor/WeaponMaterialOrcish" as requirement for Target, but didn't work.If you have any ideas, please comment.

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