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Planet Zoo

Mods and game updates


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I've recently discovered the wonderful world of PZ mods, but before I start stuffing my zoo full of new animals, there was something I wanted to ask about. I've noticed that a lot of mods on this site specify what version of PZ they're updated to, and one post I saw mentioned something about crashing with mods right after the base game got the 1.6 update. I'm making sure not to install any mods that aren't updated to 1.6, but looking to the future, if the game gets another update and I have mods installed, will that always result in my game crashing until the mod creators update their stuff?

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  • 3 months later...

Okay, so I think I have found all the broken mods: all deers, duikers, goats and sheeps, african forrest elephant, tamadua, mini donkey and all cows except buffalos and bisons.


Maybe not all of these really are broken, but these for me 29 mods removed was enough to get the game working again

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