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An idea about skeleton compatibility


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Much appreciated, login. I'll try starting work on it at some point.


However, do you know if there are commands to change the body texture? I'm not scared of using OBSE...


Because if that were the case, you have the script detect if the player has the skeleton items equipped, like this one, then have it change the body texture to a transparent one. Much more efficient, if I do say so myself.

Unfortunately, all skin shaders affect all skin material portions of whatever meshes are attached to that actor. Not really understanding why you are looking at using these methods.


By default, once anything is worn in an equipment slot, everything that is linked to that slot is replaced by whatever mesh is in that equipment. You cannot make a skeleton mesh which would be underneath the normal body, because there would be no slot to attach this mesh to unless you are filling one of those slots with this undermesh. The skeleton.nif and beastskeleton.nif does not support any visual elements as part of the mesh. Clipping could likely be dealt with, but generally the act of having an internal mesh would probably work poorly since you would still be rendering those polygons.


Although skin material portions of meshes can be hidden with a shader, this doesn't really do much good for your uses since the armor/clothing meshes have no insides. Meaning that you would still have a neck cap, and would see clear through when you looked through an arm, neck, or leg hole. Altering these meshes to have an inside would cause even more performance and clipping issues.


Ultimately, your best bet lies in making special skeletal meshes of every other mesh that you want this to work with, and swapping out all those meshes based on what state the player was in. Meaning that you would have skeletal hands, feet, chest, legs, head for both naked and all pieces of equipment, and have to swap out everything that's worn at those times. In short, probably more effort than it's worth. You might be better off just making full body skeletal meshes, and leaving it as 1 piece of equipment, but that is likely not as much customization as you would want.

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Okay, my theory is;


You have absolutely nothing equipped, and you equip the skeleton suit. This skeleton suit removes the body mesh that was previously visible. This is already working. Now, you then equip a huntsman vest. In vanilla Oblivion, rather than seeing a huntsman vest on a skeleton, you see that the huntsman vest on a human torso, with the rest of the character a skeleton. In my mod, there is no body mesh present.

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Okay, my theory is;


You have absolutely nothing equipped, and you equip the skeleton suit. This skeleton suit removes the body mesh that was previously visible. This is already working. Now, you then equip a huntsman vest. In vanilla Oblivion, rather than seeing a huntsman vest on a skeleton, you see that the huntsman vest on a human torso, with the rest of the character a skeleton. In my mod, there is no body mesh present.

Yeah, can't effectively be done since the huntsman vest is not fitted to the skeleton mesh, and the vest has no inside faces. You would be stuck with a vest which is floating around the bones, and where you will be able to see through the back when looking at the front.


You would need to create a special skeleton mesh for the vest that is fitted to the proportions of the skeleton, and which also contains internal faces. You would need to do this with almost every piece of equipment you wanted this effect to work with. There is no simple OBSE or shader alternative to making all these separate meshes. Actually, you would likely need OBSE to just control the mesh swapping.

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