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Very frustrated with DoF, please help.


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I've been searching and searching all over the internet for some fix or someone else running into the same problem, with no luck so bare with me.


When running just the core ENB files from Boris' site, DoF does not work. I have it enabled in Skyrim prefs ini and in the enbseries ini, with still no avail.

I've tried using different enbeffectprepass.fx files, with no luck. I've tried using the Wrapper version, and the injector versions of ENB, with no luck.

Everything else is working fine, the ENB is definitely enabled, its just no matter what settings i edit in the ini files it never activates. Im starting to think it might be Graphics card related so i disabled Precision X, and all other monitoring things, let me give you all my specs:

CPU: i5-3570k 4.4ghz
GPU: nVidia GTX 670 FTW (no overclock, just base settings)

RAM: 8gb DDR3
OS: Win 7

ive just run out of ideas and any help to enabling DoF would be greatly appreciated.

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Turn bFloatPointRenderTarget in your SkyrimPrefs.ini to 1

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Okay we need to know more.. I understand you are frustrated. But if you want help it is necessary.


In your enbseries.ini located in main skyrim folder. Under effect section, did you EnableDepthOfField=true? I know it may be a stupid question but that's a good starting point. If that still doesn't work I'd try a new enb altogether or delete all associated enb files and then copy them over to the main folder again.


No one has ever said that troubleshooting is fun!


P.S. - I'd also try disabling FXX engine if you are using it. Good luck!

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