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Missing Eyes


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I used that race when it first came out with no problems. I remember after adding some mods I had the same problem.

Is Tabaxi race last in your load order? Try that as it will take presidence over mods before it.

other than beautiful people are you useing any other cosmetic mods?

does the problem disappears with BP disabled?

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The SS is my load order, Tabaxi is last. The BP being active or deactivated doesn't seem to change it : / I keep toying around with the load order and disabling other things, checking, then coming back...


What's odd is I JUST got a new computer and am trying to install this, and it worked flawlessly on my old desktop.

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The SS is my load order, Tabaxi is last. The BP being active or deactivated doesn't seem to change it : / I keep toying around with the load order and disabling other things, checking, then coming back...


What's odd is I JUST got a new computer and am trying to install this, and it worked flawlessly on my old desktop.

was your old PC useing windows xp?

Does the new one use vista by any chance!

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