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Vault 101's "experiment"


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I also agree with the guy who said that the 101 experiment failed when the second overseer spread the secret. it turned into a study of peoples response lo a lack of hope for anything different to a Santa Clause scenario where the elders dupe the kids.


Vault 101 seem to be a test to the Overseer role, something that always a weak link on the whole Vault experiment system and that is why Vault 101 was locked before Great War started.


Considering how the Overseer always had control over the Vault population you cannot say the experiment "failed", in fact the experiment could never "fail" since it was designed to test the Overseer role.

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I'd like to see a mod or even some DLC based around more vaults. I think vaults are one of the more interesting aspects to Fallout. I always felt like we weren't seeing the entire vaults in FO3. All of those inaccessible doors... I always pictured the bits we saw were just kind of like the "entrance" neighborhood to the entire vault. I always pictured there being some sort of huge centeral marketplace or something that connected you into the other neighborhoods in a vault.


I mean is the vault really as small as we see in the beginning of the game? You only see around 20 or so characters. I'm pretty sure a vault would need to hold up to at least a thousand people to be considered effective.



All of this talk about the secrets behind vaults gets me excited.



Someone please start making a mod.

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yes, there weren't enough Vaults......

and btw, Vault 101 wasn't a control, in the Citadel, theres a Vault-Tec terminal with info on all the Vaults


as for a DLC, I doubt Bethesda will make any more DLCs past Mothership Zeta, Fallout 3 will be kinda old, and Fallout: New Vegas is in the works

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  • 2 weeks later...
Moira said that a woman from vault 101 came asking around about the wasteland. Remember the armored vault 101 suit in the back of her store?

I believe that woman was part of the scouting team. Maybe it was old lady palmer that was mentioned in the overseers terminal?

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I kinda feel like I'm the only one who goes to the fallout wiki. I mean... doesn't anyone know that the enclave had access to monitoring equipment that covered at least the west coast vaults? That's how they found Vault 13. They knew it would have baseline humans 'cause it was a control group (unlike what that guy said earlier about it being one of those vaults that dealt with stress due to equipment failure) hell, the whole reason the vault dweller was kicked out at the end of fallout 1 was 'cause he threatened the purity of the control scenario.


what I wanna know is "Why is Washington so special?" Over in California you're lucky to find 3 vaults in various states (and one fake one if you get duped) but in the D.C wastes you're practically tripping over the damn things.


I also agree with the guy who said that the 101 experiment failed when the second overseer spread the secret. it turned into a study of peoples response lo a lack of hope for anything different to a Santa Clause scenario where the elders dupe the kids.


Why all the Vaults? Isn't it obvious? Washington is the seat of power in America. They would want vaults for the president, vaults for his staff, vaults for congress, vaults for their staff, vaults for the military leaders in the pentagon, the list goes on and on.

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then why are the DC Vaults just for Springvale (Vault 101), full of musicians from all over (Vault 112), and a fatal experiment (Vault 82) that HAD to have been full of civilians and a handful of scientists.......

so where are the government Vaults?

they DID have a few hours notice since the west coast got hit first

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  • 2 months later...
then why are the DC Vaults just for Springvale (Vault 101), full of musicians from all over (Vault 112), and a fatal experiment (Vault 82) that HAD to have been full of civilians and a handful of scientists.......

so where are the government Vaults?

they DID have a few hours notice since the west coast got hit first


I start to belive that it was all an elaborate plot by the Enclave.

Put together some vault with the official purpose to save humankind from nuclear holocaust, but instead use them to study different aspect of human sociology to better understand how to colonize another planet.

Val-Tech is indeed a big corporation and for that reason they do as the people who pay them says.

My guess is that the Eclave plan was screwed by the actual war: they probably though nobody had the guts to launch a nuclear strike and used the "general" fear to leave the population in the dark of their plans, using the vaults, studying them and so on. Otherwise why create specifica vaults (music, overseer and so on) when you can't collect the data after a nuclear war?


The adventures of the vault dweller, since the first fallout seems like a drop in the ocean. You realize how big the weight of history is as slowly you go through the story but in the end, who actually cares now?

I just imagine to be the main character. How thing will change for him knowing why the vaults was built, the plans of the Enclave and so on? He need to survive as first thing and try to find his dad, then project purity ...

It's like ... I don't know ... It's like HE does have more immediate and real problems to face than chase ghost of a 200 years past.




Vault 101 was sealed and ment never to be open ... We saw very few people in there, nobody stopped for a moment and though: gene pool? I don't want to start to talk about weird cuckold/bull stories but do the math and tell me :)

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but if the Enclave did it, then the results wouldn't matter anymore!

plus, theres no real way of communicating between the oil rig/Raven Rock or any of the Vaults

and the inhabitants wouldn't necessarily be happy about people coming into their Vault


yes, who really cares

cause it doesn't matter

their all dead, or their technology/records are decaying/lost

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but if the Enclave did it, then the results wouldn't matter anymore!

plus, theres no real way of communicating between the oil rig/Raven Rock or any of the Vaults

and the inhabitants wouldn't necessarily be happy about people coming into their Vault


yes, who really cares

cause it doesn't matter

their all dead, or their technology/records are decaying/lost


I agree but let's think about this for a moment:

The Enclave was doing all this for his own secret agenda, counting on the fact that probably nobody had the guts to drop the first nuke, taking advantage of the situation in other words.

And right now yes, they are all screwed up, so they have to use the Plan B, a "what to do" after the nukes. And we know what they want to do, wipe out the mutated, ghouls and any kind of resistance to build their new utopia :)

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