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Wearable weapons?


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I don't know about you guys. But when my character is walking around the wastes with all eight of his hot key's filled with various weapons, I would just love to see, at the very least, more then one weapon floating on my character. Why should a character that is, according to his inventory, armed to the *ucking teeth appear to have just one handgun attached to his leg? :wallbash: When he could have a sniper rifle on his back, a knife at his side and said handgun? (or potentially more). I think it's bull Sh*t! Is there a way to get the weapon slots to swap out like armor? Or even if we could just wear certain non-functioning weapons to give the character more of a visual personality. Who would just hate to see that? :thumbsup:



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Yes, I second your idea. Maybe give the character 4 weapons slots on his/her body like armor for you to fill with your desired weapons. It wouldn't do to have 20 weapons visible, but 4 woulndn't be a bad number. There you can have your Sniper Rifle, a knife, a pistol, and some grenades hanging; and a nice Chinese Assault Rifle in your hands.
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Yeah i would love to have some more weapons hanging on my character...


And maybe some other things to... I really hate it when my guy reloads and he just gets a clip out of nowhere. Maybe just some clips hanging on your waste or somewhere else


Another idea would be that if you could get grenades on yourself is that if you got into a firefight other people could make them explode. And you could do the same to them, I would love to see a raider shooting me with a weapon but i manage to kill him by shooting his grenades.

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Yeah, It would be BA! like kirk says: "you can have your Sniper Rifle, a knife, a pistol, and some grenades hanging; and a nice Chinese Assault Rifle in your hands." it would give your character a real, you shouldn't piss that guy off look. I like that grenade idea too. I just think this whole, I just pull weapons out of my ass in 3rd person kills the immersion. Considering how far gaming technology has come. Why can't my character look a little more like this? http://ui03.gamespot.com/1314/fallout1_2.jpg


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i agree wholeheartedly. it was also my intention to model (in conjuncture with my vest) a drop leg holster so sidearms would not just be floating on your leg. that, and maybe model a sling around the vest so that even if the rifle is floating on your back, there's still some straps to suggest it could be somewhat secure :/
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Yeah, Beth should have done a little more then what I can assume is fishing line slings. But i can see how it might be hard to make slings and holsters that fit on all of the armors and clothing. It seems like making the weapons wearable would be fairly doable. I'd do it my self if i wasn't an idiot savant when it comes to modding.
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Just off the top of my head, there are already non-overlapping weapon locations for

  • Pistols/revolvers (right hip)
  • Knives/misc one-handed melee weaponry (left hip)
  • Big Guns/Two-handed weaponry (back)
  • Hand-to-Hand weapons (right hand)

The assorted gauntlets might look funny while holding a pistol, but the rest should look fairly natural if allowed to "exist" simultaneously. Does anyone know how difficult this would be to actually implement?

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