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Farkas relationship rank dialogue error


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I don't know which mod is doing this, but Farkas has married dialogue - in that he calls me 'love' and 'my dear', not in the sense of dialogue options - but I haven't even joined the Companions yet.

These are the mods I have that affect dialogue:

- Bards Reborn Student of Song Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Patch

- Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE

- Immersive Speech Dialogue

- Improved Follower Dialogue - Lydia

- Misc Dialogue Edits

- Misc Dialogue Edits - Save the Icerunner patch

- More Dialogue Options - for Misc Dialogue Edits

- Relationship Dialogue Overhaul - RDO Final

- Taarie's Dialogue Fix

- The Second Great War - Relationship Dialogue Overhaul

- More to Say

- Follower Commentary Overhaul SE

- Grateful Beggars - RDO Compatibility Version

- No more friendly-fire complaints

- RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final

- Respect for the Legate

- Sensible Draugr Speech


This is the first time I've encountered this issue, and last time I did the Companions questline I had pretty much the same setup so I don't know where to start.


Edit: I have tried several times to use the console and manually change his relationship rank but that didn't fix it.

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