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Mod installation order advices?


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Hey there,


just got myself the New Vegas Ultimate Edition off Steam. I loved F3 back at the time, but New Vegas never managed to spark my interest. Now I decided to give it another go, thus Ive downloaded some of the most recommended Mods for my first playthrough. Now before I start modding the s#*! out of it and eventually have to deal with Crashes, Bugs etc, I wanted to ask the veterans in this board for some advice.


Right now I have a clean FNV install on my SSD. My system consists of an i5 2500k QuadCore @3.3GHz, 8 Gigs of DDR3 Ram and an HD7970 GHz Edition @StockClock, I planned to install my mods in this order:


0. MCM, DarnIV, oHud and uHud

1. Texture Packs like Ojo/Poco // or MMUE // OR NVEC?

2. Depends on above

3. Project Nevada

4. Project Nevada Extras

5. Eve

6. WMX

7. Project Nevada Extras // or Compatibility Patches?

8. Project Reality Mk1.5


These are the biggest mods, of course I will also use other mods but this will build the base. For now, I rather not touch ENB and other DLL files in order to get a stable basis on which to add further. Do you have anything to say, does this plan of installation look legit to you? Anything I should watch out for?



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