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Anyone know what happened to the spell chaining mod?


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Nexus recently made changes which violates mod authors copyrights. Essentially, if you upload a mod to Nexus you no longer own it because Nexus refuses to allow you to delete it. Because of this a lot of mod authors have chosen to take their mods off of Nexus. Because of this, mod authors have decided to remove their mods. With this being said I highly recommend **NOT** playing any BGS title and if you planned to buy Anniversary Edition I suggest you do not anymore.



Some mods have been moved to their authors discord server, others have found host on other sites. I'm unsure if you're allowed to post links to outside sites so I'm not going to do so but for now everything is a lil messed up. Give it a few months though and hopefully things will settle down. I had to go through 48 discords, and 5 various other mod sites to get my mods for Fallout 4. Already had Skyrim SE setup but can't even imagine how much has been removed from Skyrim in terms of mods. It's A LOT

Edited by Genzong
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