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NPC model help for complete noob


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I'll try to keep this as short and sweet as possible.


I recently got Skyrim Legendary and I never modded any of the other Elder Scrolls games, so this is all new to me. What I have done so far is install the HD Texture DLC and several mods from the Steam Workshop such as all of the Towns & Village Enhanced mods, lighter tools and a few others that I can list when I get home if necessary.


What I would like to do, which I find a little confusing, is change the NPC models to look more realistic. I am not quite as concerned with the world improvements, but I'd like to experiment with them after I get the Character models updated. I've tried to get the NMM but it never connects to the server and it wants to change SkyrimPrefs.ini to NOT read only (the Nvidia tweak guide had me change it to read-only). So I suppose I need to manually copy the mods into the data folders.


This is what I'd love to have my NPC's looking like: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20483//?


That is insanely clean and realistic compared to what I see in Skyrim now. Is that mod just for creating your own character is does it change NPCs and Followers, too? If I wanted to use this mod, do I need to install all of the mods he has listed under credits? The most confusing part of all of this is knowing what mods are required for what and which mods will cause conflicts with others. Please, help!


Feel free to ask any questions if I need to clarify anything further.



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First of almost of (if not all) of the mods you have subscribed to on Steam Workshop can be found on Skyrim Nexus. You will at some point start having problems mixing the two.


As to your question, just the normalmaps won't do what you want, you need a whole face texture. At the bottom of that page is Pretty Face which is a good one because it has the meshes as well as textures. But there several others depending on the body type you chose.

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