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skynet companion quest idea


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Well I don't know if you remember fallout 2 but there was an army base called the sierra army base depot


And when you got there there was a great supercomputer called skynet. And in fallout 2 you could get him as a companion by finding a brain for him and a body.

And for me he was the coolest character ever beacause if you managed to piss him off in the base and you gave him a brain and a body he would shoot one of your companions dead the minute you came out of the base and then try to escape.


But anyway here's what I was thinking off:


We could like make a quest that you find a supercomputer in an army base (or maybe even president Eden if you would like to) and begin a quest to find him a brain and a body.


Then it would depend on your own skills what you can do.

For example


Good in medicine: you could get him in a human


Good in science: you could upload him into a robot of your choice (robot should either be killed and brought to him or there should be hollow robots ready to use


Good in science and medicine (here's where it gets cooler): you could get a robobrain shoot him in the head to kill him and then either get a human brain in there or... those brainthingies you see growing everywhere (never seen one? go look on the ground by the rivet city bridge entrance) you could like harvest them and they would be superbrains who are far more superior then any human or robotbrain, giving your compagnion more chances to hit your enemy and better useage of his guns.


Just an idea I had, any critisism or ideas are welcome and if you want to make something like this your more then welcome, I sadly don't know a clue about modding but I always have idea's so let me know if you need help :D

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