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Setting a weapon's projectile VS setting projectiles for ammo type

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To get a sense of what I'm asking, I'll explain further.


I want to know if there's any difference between changing a weapon's projectile via the weapon's Art & Sound tab, or changing an ammo type used by that weapon to use a certain projectile.


It's not unusual when you find two properties which seemingly change only one thing, only to find that one properly isn't implemented and will do nothing. Is that the case for either property I mention?


Finally, if both are used, which one overrides the other? If I set the weapon to use a generic 5.56mm projectile but one 5.56mm ammo type uses an entirely different projectile, will that override the one set in the weapon's Art & Sound tab?

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The projectile specified in the weapon's Art and Sound tab is the default projectile the weapon will use. If you set an ammo type to use a specific projectile, it will override the default projectile of the weapon and be used, instead.

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One additional question: I take it you can set the weapon to eject only one type of casing or none at all? I mean, if you specify a casing in the Art and Sound tab, that one will be used for all ammo types?

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Thanks again for your reply. It's slightly inconvenient but I can find a cheap workaround.

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Heh, turns out that the ammo page has the answer to my original question. But if the wiki has information on the New Vegas forms, I guess it couldn't hurt to check there before starting a thread here.


Thanks for the heads up.

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