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Oen cities was taken down?


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I"m not really mad about whatever ego made people leave... what really makes me mad is that now half the compatibility patches are gone... started a new load order, and yes i can get Open cities elsewhere, but now i have no access to about 20 patches( guessed at the number, but its alot)... I guess you can just "take my ball and go home" rules the interwebs

its a little more complicated than that. is it wrong that a huge part of me finds your predicament funny?


Its not anymore complicated than that... this is how a child reacts to adversity, I'll "take my ball and go home"

Edited by Freddy456
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In this case, the adversity in question as far as I'm aware, is that mods placed on nexus can't be taken down once placed, therefore putting up the question of ownership. Mod authors are feeling threatened by this. How exactly do you combat this kind of adversity except by pulling out and proving a point? Of course the only way it would be proven is if a significant number of mods were taken down as a result, and I highly doubt that it will lead to any results except for issues for mod users like ourselves.

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