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A recolor of Benny's suit and pre-war hat


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I'm looking for someone who is able to recolor Benny's suit model and the pre-war hat model for me.

I want it to look like this ( http://imgur.com/jICMFsx ) only in different colors.


The colors I'm looking for specifically are shown in these pictures:


(1) http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m0sodc0jNS1rrq845o1_500.png

(2) http://whitecatofimpendingdoom.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/indemnity1.jpg

(3) http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lvmz2ioYAX1r3qeofo1_1280.jpg

(4) https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-SD3Xhwm16r8/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAA4/IaDnI8iRdSU/photo.jpg

(5) http://static.gamesradar.com/images/mb/GamesRadar/us/Games/L/LA%20Noire/Everything%20Else/Guides/Walkthrough/Vice%203%20-%20Manifest%20Destiny/50--article_image.jpg

(6) http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5h1t3qKIv1r3qeofo1_500.jpg


- Aka the checkered jacket is combination of blue and two shades of grey (shown in picture 1, 2 and 5)

- The shirt underneath is a lighter shade of blue (as shown in picture 4)

- The tie is darker shade of blue (as shown in pretty much all the pictures. If you want to add a pattern to the tie, like stripes in a lighter color as shown in the picture with the brown checkered suit, I'm okay with that)

- The pre-war hat is a darker shade of blue (as shown in picture 5)

- The pants are a dark shade of blue (as shown in picture 6)

- The shoes can be made brown or black


If you need any more resource material, the suit is based off the character Jack Kelso from the game L.A. Noire.


I'm roleplaying as a private detective in my playthrough, and this suit would be a fine addition to that. As for stats, I'd like the suit to give me +5 speech and +5 guns and +1 charisma. The pre-war hat can have the bonus +1 perception.

When you're done with my request, please make it spawn in Goodsprings, like Doc Mitchell's house.


If someone wants to do this request for me, I'd be really grateful. Thank you in advance.

Edited by Matrelith
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