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PLEASE HELP! Still Having Navmesh Problems!

Guest Messenjah

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Guest Messenjah

So, ASX is currently on pause and has been for a couple of weeks because I can't seem to get an answer from anyone on this board, so I'm giving it another shot.



What I'm trying to do, is connect my cell to the Riften Origin World. I added a bridge in the lower waterway to my cell location and then added some traingles to the navmesh that leads to the bridge. I used find cover and finalize. I did not place the bridge over any boundaries so that I could avoid dealing with navmesh boundaries in order to keep things as simple as possible.


After I finalized the mesh, it claims that there are missing bounds and asks me if I want ot finalize all cell navmeshes. I click yes to all and everything is fine... until I re-load the Creation Kit and my esp. Now it tells me that there are cell navmeshes that need to be finalized. I've gone through every navmesh I can find in the cell and have finalized them all. I even tried removing cover from my own navmesh, finding cover, and then re-finailizing again. Nothing, I just get the same issue over and over again.


Do I need to connect my navmesh to the vanilla navmesh, or can I just make my own that leads to the vanilla navmesh and leave it free of bounds?


Edit: Just spent the last 9 hours deleting navmeshes over and over trying to figure out which one is wrong. I've probably finalized every navmesh within Riften several thousand times. It seems the problem actually shifts from navmesh to navmesh. As soon as it gives up and I think I have found the navmesh that is the problem, I finalize it and it appears the problem shifts elsewhere. :\ I then spend hours deleting navmeshes one at a time to see if it stops screaming to find that it has shifted somewhere else. As soon as I fix that, another navmesh starts screaming at me. What is causing this?

Edited by Messenjah
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