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Reuqest for a retriever (dog or otherwise)


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I really enjoy hunting wild game as I travel the countryside of Skyrim, even if it is somewhat fruitless in terms of rewards. I like to sharpen my archery chops by taking down hawks and quick-moving rabbits, but I find that I very often am unable to find the body in all of the foliage, and letting a kill be wasted is the cardinal sin of hunters.


It would be nice to have a dog or any kind of pet to act as a retriever (and maybe even a pointer) to assist a hunter. For pointing, the dog would immediately freeze and point in the direction of game when it spots an animal. As a retriever, the dog would then run straight to the game after you've made the kill to help mark the spot where the animal fell.


I have no idea if this is way outside the scope of what mods can do, etc, but if anyone has the ability and the interest, I'd be very keen to see this realized.




Edited by qu0rthon
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