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Hialgo Boost


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Hialgoboost isn't working. I put all extracted files into the tev folder. I have realvision enb with sweetfx smaa, but I edited the enbseries.ini and the hialgoboost.ini like required. I have double checked the folder and I have both the required dll files and more to run it. I do not get any error message, SMAA still working so that ini adjustmest works; but Hialgoboost itself just doesn't seem to be accounted by Skyrim. It just isn't working; someone please help.

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Have you made sure your SkyrimPrefs.ini has EnabledFileSelection set to 1?


as in add this at the top of skyrimprefs? [Launcher] bEnableFileSelection=1? I did not see bEnablefileselection anywhere else and googling it said you had to add. Anyways it did not work.

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