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A New Challenge...


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So I've recently rolled a new character (Altmer, magic/archey/alchemy/sneak focus).


As I level I decided I would only choose Magic thus leaving my HP at the base 100. The character is lvl 29 now and its been ridiculously hard yet really satisfying. Basically my character is a glass cannon, if he gets attacked by anything more than a skeever or wolf he dies.


So I've been mitigating incoming damage with maximizing DPS (without glitch leveling my smithing, enchanting or alchemy), or minimize my chances of being attacked.


Its pretty fun sneaking around planting poisoned apples and sniping a target with a long bow and iron arrow dipped in a poison which turns the target to a raving werewolf for a couple minutes, or spraying flammable oil pools around dungeons setting my own traps.



How have you been playing lately?

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