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armor realism


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hey everyne just putting an idea out there for i mod i think would be really great,

is there a way to make armor different sizes so that some fits and some doesnt, like when you loot one badit with iron armor he may have armor that is too big or armor that is to small, i also think that if you buy it from a blacksmith it should fit you reguardless. anyway jus wanted to put that out there

thanks guys

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was about to post the same idea!

In my opinion this could be done by creating two different main classes of armor, female and male ones.

Then, each branch of armor (F or M) has diferent sizes using the body type/mass values on the characters I believe it goes from 0 to 100.

If you're a man trying to fit on a woman armor it just won't fit.

If you happen to find an armor of you gender having a body mass of 70 and the armor size is way below that number, it just won't fit.
Nontheless, you could fit on a armor sized 60 ( but you recieve a walking speed or stamina debuff ) we could do this
also if the armor is far too big for your character to wear.

But finally, if the armor size matches your body tipe value ( with a margin of +-10 ) you fit perfectly on that armor. (Maybe giving the player a "comfty" perk, i don't know hehe...)

Also it came to my mind that this mod would perfectly be combined with Gopher's Pumping Iron (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29476//?)
so you can increase your body type/mass in order to fit on new armors.

There are still so many question to perfect the idea of the mod, like, should we apply this size restrain on the boots and hand gear?
I personally think this in particular would be a ton of work, and won't add anything but frustation to the player and mod maker hehehe...

Should we add the heigth of the character to the equation?
It will gain on realism, yes, but it will be frustating for the player i believe...

What are you thoughs on this guys?


PS: English is not my mother language, so i may made awfull mistakes :P

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