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Planning on a major retexture project of XCOM operatives. Ideas welcom


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EXALT might take a bit longer than I anticipated. Its /really/ hard to get a nice close-up of them with vanilla Enemy Within camera angles. For soldiers that can be selected in a squad equip screen I have no problems: I can get the closest I need to them: that way when I rip the texture I work with the 'base' full resolution texture.


Fun fact: in enemy unknown XCOM textures are actually steadily lowered in resolution as the player zooms out. So if you ever wondered why your troops look bad as you scroll out further, thats why. Its easier to notice on large monitors with high resolutions.


Anyway, Im hoping to get at least part of this fixed for Enemy Within today. Its the middle of exam and essay season for us university students, so anything more than that may have to wait.


install Toolboks, set Zoom In to 0.1.


go in-game and use keyboard shortcuts (T to zoom in) to zoom in as far as you like - literally.




you can also zoom out a LONG LONG way..whichis kinda fun on some maps as you can see the surrounding city



Edited by Anbar
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Update: Texture replacement method is working well. I had a few stupid hiccups adjusting to EW but now Im all set up and ready to go.


I should have pictures and some kind of upload ready to go by tomorrow if all goes well.


This will only include my enemy within textures ported to EW, and will not contain shivs. I had to remove the Team colouring from several guns in order to avoid doing substantial revisions of the textures. In time, I may revisit them. For now though, they look good without the team colour.


One change you may notice is my rocket launcher WILL be using EW team colouring. Its a much, much more elegant solution than the one I had used, and I love how it looks. It also means the rocket launcher texture is now mostly out-dated, but I'll include it anyway.


In addition for simplicity's sake I'm going to include an optional bundle of all of the EW retextures in a nice singular .tpf, for convenience. This will NOT include the 'russian' deco or the red beret. Im debating porting those at all actually.


See you all then.


EDIT: Wonderful news!


EW has actually apparently removed the previously mentioned texture filtering by-distance. Now, on high textures, you see the same max quality textures as you would zoomed in.


Im not sure if this is true for terrain as well, or how comprehensive it is. For soldiers however it would appear to be the case.

EDIT2: Sadly it still applies to helmets. Damn. I need to do some leg work again to get those working right.


However the bad news: my textures will be for "HIGH" texture qualities only. That means that in order for everything to work properly texture filtering and texture quality need to be set to High, or you'll have pop-ins, or the textures wont work at all.


In the future I may be able to do low-res packs, but honestly Ive done some rudimentary testing and the quality drop is atrocious. Its honestly not worth it it at that point.

Edited by CaesarInvictus
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Because of how the new enemy within glow helms work, and because they do, in fact, all use the exact same textures, I've had to change a couple of basic things in my replacer work. Here are the new EW 'glow helms'







Generic, pretty, no artificial ridiculous glare... Yep, I think I managed to get something worthwhile here.


These also give you a good impression of how far I've come in porting EU textures over. Not much time left now.

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hell yeah:




(same we cant add new 3d models..seeing as thats what i do in RL...... but your textures are a great improvement)


love the "rounds left" counter in this also: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/469794922849739438/87B7DB47D636273BE53893C3D5EE4A5F6BC561D3/

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Gotta admit, I can't wait for your textures to hit. I know why they made parts of the weapon textures colour the same as the armour... but I don't like it. I'd much rather have the Tier 1 textures back for the weapons with no stupid colouring (which the game continually "forgets" in Tactical missions, leaving you with the default yellowish colour anyway) to bring back the pretty!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, my!


I stumbled upon this post while starting my XCOM EW game... CaesarInvictus, your work is AMAZING!!


I can't encourage you enough to advance on it and make the EW release we are waiting for...


Congrats! :woot:

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