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[Mod Request] Restore quickhacking to pre-1.3 before nerfs


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Just what it says in the title. The 1.3 patch applied several nerfs to quickhacking. Ostensibly for game balance because they were overpowered, but overpowered can also be fun.


I really like the idea of being able to hack through walls, like the Legendary level of Ping used to allow. I really hate that your stealth is blown and your position is revealed after even just as little as a single offensive quickhack, as that basically invalidates an entire build and playstyle.

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  • 4 weeks later...

KareiKnight YES!! I completely agree with you. I just spent like the last two weeks coming back to Cyberpunk 2077 again, deciding to do a fun and OP Netrunner build playthrough that can hack through walls.
I FINALLY got legendary ping, was so excited , but then... WHAT?! I cannot hack through walls? I was so pissed off man. Screw CD Projekt Red for making the game less fun. It is a single player game FFS, let people be OP if they want to.
Anyway, I apologize for my ranting, I just totally agree with you. I will not play Cyberpunk 2077 anymore until a mod is made allowing people to hack through walls again.



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Totally agree! Plus it's not like we're playing with other players even though that is apparently a long term goal, though I'm not holding my breath. A mod as you described would be perfect: Don't like the changes after 1.3, use a mod or, if you do like the changes, don't use a mod.

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