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FO3 Insta-Crash!


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Sometimes when I start up FO3, I see the loading "Please Stand By" slide/screen for half a second, then my game crashes. I found that if I only put on a FEW small mods or one or two big mods, the game will no longer crash from the start (but will eventually crash later anyways), but this shouldn't even be a problem in the first place! The mods I want to use are "Choose what you need" "Slower Degradation (-95%)" "FreePlayAfterMQ_V05" and "Enclave Commander". There are some other mods I want to put on, but arent vital to me, so I didn't list them because I probrably wont use them, but this is still anoying not being able to play the game un-interupted!

Has anyone had this problem before and fixed it, or does anyone have any advice? Please help me if you can, thanks!

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I was having this problem at one point becaues I was running a mod that involved equipment from Operation anchorage, however I didnt have that DL'd. As soon as I a. DL"d op. anchorage, or b. turned off the mod it started fine. I'd say cheak the mods your running and make sure they dont need any special requirments, i.e. certain animation mods, anchorage, etc...



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I was having this problem at one point becaues I was running a mod that involved equipment from Operation anchorage, however I didnt have that DL'd. As soon as I a. DL"d op. anchorage, or b. turned off the mod it started fine. I'd say cheak the mods your running and make sure they dont need any special requirments, i.e. certain animation mods, anchorage, etc...




Thanks for the advice, I went through, and even though the mod didn't have a master of the Operation Anchorage file or require me to have it, it did contain one file from it, so I guess i'll just buy Operation Anchorage then. Thanks again! :thanks: :biggrin:

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