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NIFSkope questions


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Disclaimer: I'm halfway decent at papyrus scripting, but very new to working with objects in NIFSkope. Please be patient with me...


I am attempting to animate new static objects to add to the mod Realistic Boat Bobbing (I am now the keeper of the patch hub... :confused: ) Right now I am working on animating a bucket. Mostly what I have done is try to make the blocks match those of some of the statics already in RBB. I think I must be close to having it right, because the animation works fine in NIFSkope, but when I try to use in in Skyrim SE, it immediately CTD on loading that cell. I think I have a basic understanding of the transform controller/interpreter/sequence system, with the exception of the NiDefaultAVObjectPalette. From what I've found researching it online, I believe that it lists the objects that need to be animated, but when I look at the lists on other animated objects in RBB, I don't understand them. What is the significance of Ref_Object_Node? In the animations I'm looking at, it is the name of the NiNode of the object being animated, but it seems to be a keyword with a special significance, and I don't know what that is. Also, in the NiDefaultAVObjectPalette objects, Ref_Attach_Node appears more than once, with a colon and number after it. What is the significance of that? Finally, can anyone tell me what L1_DetailsShields01 might reference? It also appears more than once in the NiDefaultAVObjectPallete with a colon and a number, but I can't figure out what it refers to.


Thanks so much.


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