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Custom vanilla weapon textures won't work


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So, i recently bought Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas on a steam sale, I started with New Vegas, installed a bunch of texture mods that all worked perfectly an played the game.


But I decided that I would rather start with Fallout 3, so i installed relatively the same mods, but for F3. Unfortunately The weapon textures would only appear on world and NPC models, not to one i am holding. So far, I have only noticed this with the assault rifle and 10mm pistol, while sawed-off shotgun and scoped 44. magnum work fine. But i am sure it applies to other weapons. Also, custom models (Ak47 chinese assault rifle replacer) do work for me. Please help, the game is playable but the weapons are ugly.


I have tried every thing I can think of, and used ArchiveInvalidation Invalidation, FOMM, BOSS, and FOSE.


My texture mods:





Edited by Veraxnar
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