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"Solonar Shots" constantly increasing conjur.


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I've tried googling where the heck these things come from with no luck. Randomly my character will have a bound quiver of so called "solonar shots" that stack. If I equip bolts or arrows they disappear throughout playtime but when I load I'll suddenly have them again, and more.

The conjuration issue I had I figured out, now it's just the quiver. It's a bound elven quiver that I never asked for lol...

Edited by BigBaggie
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I've tried googling where the heck these things come from with no luck. Randomly my character will have a bound quiver of so called "solonar shots" that stack. If I equip bolts or arrows they disappear throughout playtime but when I load I'll suddenly have them again, and more.


The conjuration issue I had I figured out, now it's just the quiver. It's a bound elven quiver that I never asked for lol...


Hate to necro this but did you ever find out what was causing it? I'm having the same issue and can't find the source at all.

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